Automated preprocessing methods are critically needed to process the large publicly-available EEG databases, but the optimal approach remains unknown because we lack data quality metrics to compare them. Here, we designed a simple yet robust EEG data qua
and automated preprocessing methods are critically needed to process the large publicly available EEG databases1. Yet, EEG is noisy and often contaminated by artifacts from the environment or the participants. Participants' eye movements and face, jaw, and...
EEG is better left alone Article Open access 09 February 2023 Background Since the first report of the human EEG in 1929 (Berger 1929; Gloor 1969), the reference issue has long been debated and Berger had called attention to the reference issue at the very beginning. The discussion arises ...
SCoT is a software package that (1) brings combined source decomposition and connectivtiy estimation to the open Python platform, and (2) offers tools for single-trial connectivity estimation. The source code is released under the MIT license and is available online at
You may need to use the--interfaceargument to provide the appropriate COM port value for the BLED112 device. The default value is COM9. To setup or view the device's COM port go to your OS's system settings Linux pygatt.exceptions.BLEError: Unexpected error when scanning: Set scan parame...
are the standard deviation of the plotted lines. Though surface roughness decreases slightly with each subsequent plating step, the final gold surface is still much rougher than a simple, planar surface. This increases electrode surface area, promotes better film adhesion, and reduces ESI50,81,84,...
In this study, we showed that EEG-based classification of speech and music sounds is better than the classification of other natural sounds. Additionally, unlike the responses to impact sounds, this responsiveness did not persist for model-matched stimuli generated to have identical frequency and mod...
FACET is implemented in the object-oriented programming paradigm. All classes are put together in theMatlabpackageFACET(note: it has the same name as the class of the correction toolbox). The whole package will be available at the terms of the GNU Gen...
Illustration of the empathy-specific spectral-temporal map of the IFG, AI, ACC, and amygdala (a) and their inter-regional communications (b).aPerceived pain in others is encoded by early high-gamma activity in the IFG, early low-frequency activity in the AI and ACC, and late beta power ...
To better understand the observed PAC patterns, we further examined the PAC values within each condition (averaged across spectral pairs within clusters showing significant conditional differences). It is important to note that PAC values were indexed by circular-linear correlation coefficients, thus the...