All data is from one continuous EEG measurement with the Emotiv EEG Neuroheadset. The duration of the measurement was 117 seconds. The eye state was detected via a camera during the EEG measurement and added later manually to the file after analysing the
01 心理想象数据集 (Mental-Imagery Dataset): 13 名参与者,超过 60,000 次运动想象,4 种交互范式,38 电极医疗级 EEG 系统。 链接休息状态 01 静息状态 EEG 数据 (Resting State EEG Data): 22 名受试者,72 个 EEG 通道,8 分钟静息任务(4 分钟闭眼和 4 分钟睁眼)。 链接:data...
The EEG consists of open-eye and partially closed-eye EEG data, electrodes, etc. (refer to Fig. 2). The four additional files are: (i) “data-description.json,” providing information on dataset description and registration details, including location and time; (ii) “participants.tsv,” ...
This EEG eye state dataset was donated by Rösler and Suendermann from Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University (DHBW), Stuttgart, Germany [12]. All data were derived from one continuous EEG measurement with the Emotiv EEG neuroheadset, which is shown in Figure 3. There are 14980 ...
The study has been performed on a freely available public EEG eye state dataset of 14980 samples. The individual performance of each classifier has been observed, and also performance of recognition performance of the ensemble networks has also been compared with the existing prominent methods. The ...
This research presents a dataset consisting of electroencephalogram and eye tracking recordings obtained from six patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) in a locked-in state and one hundred seventy healthy individuals. The ALS patients exhibit
relax, and try not to fall asleep”. Impedance across all electrodes was kept below 5 k\(\Omega\). Additionally, four electrodes were placed at the left and right outer canthi to capture horizontal eye movements, and an electrode underneath each eye for vertical eye movements and blinking. ...
SSVEP - Visual Search/Discrimination and Handshake: More Dataset: Dataset 2: 事件相关电位(ERPs) ...
2. Eye movements Eye movements (horizontal and vertical) affect the electrical fields picked up by the electrodes. Vertical eye movements (up-down) look more sinusoidal, while horizontal eye movements (right-left) look more box-shaped. The eye has a strong electromagnetic field that is establishe...
SSVEP - Visual Search/Discrimination and Handshake: More Dataset: Dataset 2: Pattern Visual Evoked Potentials: