Small footnote - For the last 6 months or so, RBI has mandated all banks to compulsarily convert the foreign exchange holdings in the EEFC account to the INR account at the end of every month, unless the account holder shows that the funds in the EEFC account have to be paid to a ...
On July 31, 2012, RBI has revised its guidelines related to EEFC (Export Earners’ Foreign Currency) Account vide notification RBI/2012-13/151 A. P. (DIR Series) Circular No. 12. As per revised guidelines, credit of 100% foreign exchange earnings to the EEFC account is allowed subject ...
新德里:周二,印度财政部长西塔拉曼对印度联邦院说,尽管最近物价上涨,但印度央行和印度储备银行正努力确保通胀控制在6%以下,并强调印度宏观经济基本面强劲。 NEW DELHI: Finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman Tuesday told the Rajya Sabha t...