中国科学院深海科学与工程研究所杨阳研究员发表在传感器领域国际顶级期刊《IEEE Internet of Things Journal》(影响因子:10.6)上题为“Lab-on-a-Fish: Wireless, Miniaturized, Fully Integrated, Implantable Biotelemetric Tag for Real-Time In Vi...
忙于做… due 到期;deadline 最后期限; criticism 批评feedback 反馈 5、读书: journal 定期刊物;magazine 杂志; periodical 期刊;book review 书评; editorial 社论;go through this novel 通读小说 out of stock 已脱销;out of print 已绝版 up-to-date 最近的,当代的;publisher 出版者 reference book 参考书...
A forthcoming paper in the Journal of Financial Economics finds not only that inherited family control is still common in Japanese business, but that family firms are "puzzlingly competitive", outperforming otherwise similar professionally 41 / 47 [大学英语考试复习资料]大学四级模拟 1178 managed ...
One very sorry, I also that ii learned very early, but it's good. Is do everything way ahead of the deadline. When things are due, you have to drop everything and work on that. And that's stressful. A...