适用于 Halo 2.0 的 Higan-Hz 主题,魔改于 theme-higan,侧重于更高的配置自由度与更激进的修改。 - i18n: i18n 固定文字 footer-nav · HowieHz/halo-theme-higan-hz@2ee3425
作者: 全国肿瘤防治研究办公室 摘要: 本书共分七章,第一章扼要介绍肿瘤登记报告的意义和开展此项工作就具备的基本条件,第二章重点讲解肿瘤新病例登记的技术和方法,第三章叙述肿瘤死亡病例登记报告的方法,第四章是人口数据资料的收集,第五章介绍了肿瘤的分类和编码,第六章介绍了肿瘤登记资料的统计分析,第七章介绍...
The combustion behavior of triaminoguanidine nitrate (TAGN) was investigated over a wide pressure range and a detailed combustion mechanism has been proposed. Temperature profiles in the TAGN combustion wave were measured with thin tungsten-rhenium microthermocouples. It was shown that the surface temp...
Python binding for curl-impersonate fork via cffi. A http client that can impersonate browser tls/ja3/http2 fingerprints. - curl_cffi/README.md at ab1e1a83202ee3425b084f8c6ab513a2654aaa3d · lexiforest/curl_cffi
司空嫣然发现衣服湿了,脸上浮现出一抹红霞,然后从浴缸里站起身来就朝外面走去。 身上的睡裙早已经湿透,紧紧的贴在她的身上,和光滑的背脊显露出来,那双修长浑`圆的美`腿更是展现无遗,只是看到她那白皙的背影,叶凡也好似做错事的孩子一样! 看着司空嫣然离去的妙曼背影,心中依旧七上八下的叶凡不敢再多说什么,...
第96届奥斯卡获奖名单 The 96th Oscar ◆◆◆ 最佳影片 Best Picture 《美国小说》 《坠落的审判》 《芭比》 《留校联盟》 《花月杀手》 《音乐大师》 《奥本海默》(获奖) 《过往人生》 《可怜的东西》 《利益区域》 已关注关注重播分享赞关闭...
High quality LiCoO2 crystals, useful as cathode material for lithium-ion rechargeable batteries, were successfully grown at a holding temperature of 800−1000 °C using the NaCl flux cooling method. The morphology, structure, size uniformity, and crystallinity of the obtained LiCoO2 crystals were ob...
One more death was reported, bringing the death toll to 35,731. The ministry also reported 1,080 new recoveries, bringing the total number of cured and discharged to 4,475,438. There are 25,626 active cases, with 35 being held in intensive care and 19 of those in need of assisted bre...
The article focuses on the development of a multiplex polymerase chain reaction method for identifying species of Crassostrea angulata, C. gigas, Ostrea edulis, and Ostrea stentina in Europe. For the amplification of complete repetition units of 5S rDNA in each of the species, universal primers ...
华为MateView GT 这款 34 英寸曲面显示器太惊艳了!WQHD 分辨率搭配 190Hz 高刷新率,画面清晰流畅。快速液晶 1ms 响应,玩游戏体验绝佳。低蓝光无频闪,护眼效果好。升降俯仰可调节,用着很舒适。外观时尚,做工精细,很满意! TOP 7 HKC 34英寸21:9带鱼屏WQHD准4K超清180Hz高刷1ms曲面1000R游戏电竞HDR400升降旋转显示...