Verb1.cohabit- share living quarters; usually said of people who are not married and live together as a couple live together,shack up inhabit,live,populate,dwell- inhabit or live in; be an inhabitant of; "People lived in Africa millions of years ago"; "The people inhabited the islands tha...
8 1 3 pension [''pen?(?)n] n.退休金,抚 恤金 pen+sion pen笔 (熟词 )+sion神 (谐音 ) 笔神在发养老金 He is moving ever closer to drawing his pension. 他就要领取养老 金了 。8 1 4 clinic [''kl?n?k] n.诊所 cl+in+ic cl赤 裸 (拼音 )+in里 面 (熟词 )+icIC卡 (谐音 ) ...
One end of the sample is connected to an anchor, and the other Tenadblies c2o. nTnheectdeedstiogna dsuimspeennsionsfroafmthe.eTtheestseur.spension frame is a reversing component that converts push into pull. The anchors on both sides of the tail of the shock hammer are etched into ...
设备就是准备好给人使用的东西 compensate v.(for)补偿,赔偿---com 共同+pens 钱+ate pension 年金---pens 钱+ion expensive 昂贵的---ex 出+pens 钱+ive,出钱的 penny 便士---p 薄而平的概念,铜板,提取出词根 pens辅音字母 p 总是和”平板,平面”的意思相关 精选 “钱”的概念总是和两个字母有...
《录像艺术史大事记》(Chronology)选自美国批评家迈克尔·拉什(Michael Rush)的《录像艺术》(Video Art,2007)的附录部分,作者结合他对录像艺术多年的观察和研究,参考了法国蓬皮杜当代艺术中心制作的New Media Encyclopedia、德国科隆路德维希博物馆、瑞士日内瓦当代影像中心、...
Valberedningen utgörs av Krister Huth (nominerad av Charlotte Pantzar Huth), Erik Dyrmann Juhler (eget innehav) och Bertil Johansson (styrelseordförande i Bolaget). Krister Huth är valberedningens ordförande. Valberedningen, vars medlemmar representerar 53,9 procent av rösterna...
10月28日:“阅柯南道尔小说数种。阅Symons:Figures of Several Centuries毕。翻看《随园三十六种》。评阅苏诗。阅Mansfield:In a German Pension”。这天是星期日,当有十几个小时的阅读。小说每种二三百页。Arthur Symons文集四百页。Kath erine Mansfield的小说集明天读毕,...
Kuidas tuleks kirjed säilitusperioodi aegumisel likvideerida. Kes? on seda tüüpi kirjete peamine kirjehaldur. Millist tüüpi kandjad on sellist tüüpi kirjed, mis on talletatud. Järgmine on lõpuleviidud näidisfailiplaan. Märkus.:...
9 Life insurance: premiums are supplemented by estimated premiums for group pension business, which has not been included in the statistics for some regions since 2001. Non-life insurance includes state funds. 10 Life insurance: net premiums 11 Non-life insurance: gross premiums, including ...
Außenwand, "e 外墙 Hallenbad, "er 室内游泳池 Tiefgarage, n 地下车库 Balkon, s 阳台,晒台 Hausnummer, -n 门牌号 Toilette, n 盥洗室,厕所 Dachterrasse, n 楼顶平台 Heizung 暖气 Traumwohnung, en 理想中的住宅 Dachwohnung, en 顶楼的房子 Hobbyraum, "e 业余爱好工作室 Treppe, n 楼梯 Decke...