各位早,請問有同好使用過EE KEEPER嗎?關於一開始的相關設定,個人試了多次就是無法顯示存檔出來...在此...
EE keeper怎么用啊?不识别存档信息吗? 只看楼主收藏回复 AtlanTis_Z 罗刹妖 13 steam版,游戏安装目录和存档目录都设好了,打开却是这个样子 送TA礼物 来自iPhone客户端1楼2017-01-15 16:42回复 陽燄 凶残花豹 7 好像是要勾选上自定义目录 来自手机贴吧3楼2017-01-15 17:14 回复 ...
EE keeper到..EE keeper到底怎么用啊?steam版博德之门增强版,安装目录和存档目录都选中了还是没有存档,加错点了想修改一下……没……没人么?
EE Keeper won't automatically detect my Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition installation directory - what can I do? Will this work with the Steam version? EE Keeper says it can't load effects, what's wrong? I changed the installation directory settings to a different location but EE Keeper is...
Set Selected Item 999 Set Selected Item 1 统计数据 Max Skills Level 武器 超级伤害 我们的Core Keeper修改器拥有 14 个功能并支持Steam。在快乐BUFF应用中使用这个修改器以及其他更多修改器! 16548 个快乐BUFF用户玩过这个游戏。 了解更多关于快乐BUFF的信息 截图...
【冷门游戏安利-001】《Path of the Abyss》三分钟简单介绍+试玩 8474 -- 2:39 App 《Graveyard Keeper》 守墓人结局 原来守墓人不是想回去,而是想他的老婆 8.3万 22 4:34 App 年轻人的第一款大富翁,新国产派对游戏《星引擎Party》【游戏前瞻】 7.7万 3 12:16 App 由日本开发商[UtoPlanet]制做的起源引...
请教诸位大佬,刚从STEAM上订了博德之门2加强版,因为以前玩过很多遍了,这次想轻松玩下,试了下EE KEEPER,然后按照百度搜索无法读取存档,怎么也解决不了读出来的是空白的情况。 安装目录我选的是F:/GAMES/STEAM/steamapps/common/Baldur,s Gate II EnHanced Edition 这是我电脑上STEAM游戏安装目录 然后存档目录按...
Here is a list of values connected to her from EE keeper on my clear save. Could you maybe take a look at that? I would really love to finish her story, but unfortunately she is unplayable for me at the moment The only thing that works for me is force-muting her through the ...
Recorder's Kit: Lorekeeper: Advantages: - +20 bonus to lore. - x2 Spell Slots for every spell level. - May use SONATA in place of the regular Bard Song. SONATA: This song provides varying levels of intelligence, save bonuses, and mind protection depending on the level of the bard...