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Download (ZIP) Sorcerers.net mirror (ZIP) Download (EXE Installer) Mac Wineskin Wrapper - Current Version: v1.0.4.0 Modification Disclaimer EE Keeper is a save game editor. It can also be used as a character and creature editor. It's not a mod itself, but it can be used to make modif...
EE Keeper might work great, but it is often impossible to open the savegame / char file you want to edit, because there is no way whatsoever to select it. Which makes the tool completely useless.Why is there not a simple FileOpen dialog, that allows you to open the file you want to...
到 2002 年,整个项目组开始启用一个专有的分布式版本控制系统 BitKeeper 来管理和维护代码。 到了2005 年,开发 BitKeeper 的商业公司同 Linux 内核开源社区的合作关系结束,他们收回了 Linux 内核社区免费使用 BitKeeper 的权力。 这就迫使 Linux 开源社区(特别是 Linux 的缔造者 Linus Torvalds)基于使用 BitKeeper ...
Distance tracker, score keeper 4 Precision LTD 4.7 • 39 Ratings Free Offers In-App Purchases Description Are you a golf enthusiast looking for ways to improve your game and take it to the next level? Say hello to Rightee, your cutting-edge smart digital caddie that provides data-driven ...
RSVP Keeper - Online reservations made easy. Get your event up and running in no time. Made with Vue and Go. PNGK - Official website for a consultancy company working to find solutions for humanitarian, human rights and other like minded organizations. BMWUSA Vehicle Configurator - Vehicle Co...
ATF1504ASZ6Figure 1. ATF1504AS MacrocellProgrammable Pin-Keeper Option forInputs and I/OsThe ATF1504AS offers the option of programming all inputand I/O pins so that pin keeper circuits can be utilized.When any pin is driven high or low and then subseque
功能描述High-PerformanceEEPLD Download10 Pages Scroll/Zoom 100% 制造商ATMEL [ATMEL Corporation] 网页http://www.atmel.com 标志 类似零件编号 - ATF16LV8C-15PI 制造商部件名数据表功能描述 ATMEL CorporationATF16LV8C-15PI 223Kb/15PHighperformance EE PLD ...
Distance tracker, score keeper 4 Precision LTD 4.7 • 39 Ratings Free Offers In-App Purchases iPhone ScreenshotsDescription Are you a golf enthusiast looking for ways to improve your game and take it to the next level? Say hello to Rightee, your cutting-edge smart digital caddie that provide...
源码:httokeeper中的最小数据单元。每一个znode上都可以保存数据和挂载子... zookeeper curator zkclient Java ide 原创 wb59e8642836ab0 2021-09-01 16:41:41 166阅读 ZooKeeper使用 配置1.将conf目录下的zoo_sample.cfg重名为zoo.cfg。2.配置server.1=localhost:2888:3888。其中“1”代表集群中的节点...