EE Keeper已保存为Baldur's Gate:增强版和Baldur's Gate II:增强版的游戏编辑器。该项目是Shadow Keeper的延续,Shadow Keeper最初由Aaron O'Neil在2000年为Baldur's Gate II:Amn的影子和Bhaal的王位发行。此版本仍可与原始BG2一起使用。 当前,它只能在Windows上本机运行,尽管已在Mac OS X上通过Wineskin进行了...
萌新求问bg2ee人..用eekeeper修改物品,增加属性书,来提高属性,或者用控制台,调出属性书CLUAConsole:CreateItem("BOOK03",100)BOOK03 +1 con (体
Hallo everyone, Let me preface this by saying that I am fairly new to BG2:EE. I have a question regarding modifying party buffs with EE Keeper.
@Troodon80I'd keep the EEKeeper name. When BG2EE is launched the editor can be updated for BG2's path and savegame folder, maybe adding a switch to indicate which game you want to edit, BG1 or 2, and EEKeeper sounds more like an universal EE editor to me. ...点zip版本下载就行,中文界面 另外试了下bgee也可以...
请问bg2ee怎么改..通过复制 特效 应该可以把其他2个宗派的升级效果复制过来(不确定,没有亲自实验过)具体操作方式:举个例子,开个新的多人游戏,建2个人,一个狂战士,一个剑圣,然后打开EEKeeper,专长(武器精通
BG2EE加入熊队友..昨天在TROW回覆的不知道这边玩增强版的多不多就顺便贴过来妮拉在大桥区守卫旁触发然后跟著任务走到营地后跟野法营地最上面的npc交谈得到wilson任务拉萨德在崔米镇神殿旁边 招进来后回城门区触发任务后
EE Keeper ..1.直接把BGEE的存档放到BGT的save中,用sk就能修改2.安卓版BGEE的存档提取出来,同上处理,也可以修改3.ios的不清楚4.修改时注意sk调用的是BGT的资源,别乱改出BGEE里面不存在
I was using version on a mac with no problems until BG2 was updated from version 1.3 to 2.5. Now I get the following error message when trying to select a saved game: "The program EEKeeper.exe has encountered a serious problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconven...