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PPaattiieenntt SSaaffeettyy IIssssuueess iinn PPaatthhoollooggyy:: FFrroomm MMiissllaabbeelleedd SSppeecciimmeennss ttoo IInntteerrpprreettaattiioonn EErrrroorrss 喜欢 0 阅读量: 1365 作者:DESG Gf,TJ Papadimos 摘要: Catastrophic breaches in patient safety often involve point-of-care ...
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This is also the dominant Metabolites 2018, 8, 37 4 of 11 cytosolic isoform, involved in glaucoma, diuresis, respiration, and electrolyte secretion in a multitude of tissues [3–12], meaning these results are highly significant. The third cytosolic isoform investigated here, hCA VII, ...
(5) In the ideal case, relation |WeS| ≤ 1 provides the reference tracking to a step input signal (and a zero steady state control error), meaning: We ≤ s/MS + s ωbs . (6) Important for the practical situations is to have a steady state error less than an imposed value ( S...
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This essay is an iconographic study of Alain Resnais' classic film, Hiroshima, Mon Amour. The author argues that the meaning of the film can best be discer... Martin,J.,Medhurst - 《Quarterly Journal of Speech》 被引量: 13发表: 1982年 POSTCOLONIALHIROSHIMA, MON AMOUR: FRANCO-JAPANESE COLL...
Using solutions such as multi-signature and SSS will give you peace of mind and avoid single-point risks, but it could make management relatively complicated and sometimes multiple parties will be involved. There is always a compromise between convenience and security. It is up to the individual...
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