you are lending money directly to the Treasury Department and will earn a fixed rate of return. Your bonds won't fluctuate in value like other types of bonds, meaning you can sell them back for full value plus any interest you've earned at almost any time with a small penalty or no pe...
Market returns often are subject to a great deal of volatility, and the return on most bonds is heavily influenced by changes in interest rates. Interest rates are currently low but have begun to rise. The rate of inflation also has been low. A return of inflation would force interest ...
回报率 rate of return 股票equities 违约default 现金外流 cash drains 经济人佣金 brokerage fee 存款单 CD(certificate of deposit) 营业额 turnover 资本市场 capital market 布雷顿森林体系 The Bretton Woods System 经常帐户 current account 套利者 arbitrager...
3. Inflation rate: Inflation can erode the purchasing power of your investment over time. While Series EE savings bonds are designed to be protected against inflation, the fixed interest rate may not keep pace with rising inflation rates. This means that the real return on your investment may ...
45、利率底(interestratefloors) 如果贷款利率下降至下限(floorrate),利率底合约的提供者将向合约持有人补偿 实际利率与利率下限的差额,从而保证合约持有人实际支付的净利率不会超过合 约规定的下限。 扬基债券(Yankeebonds) 在美国债券市场上发行的外国债券,即美国以外的政府、金融机构、工商企业和 国际组织在美国...
(2022). Green bonds and conventional financial markets in China: A tale of three transmission modes Appendix B. Supplementary data【数据+Stata+R】 Su, X., & He, J. (2024). Quantile connectedness among fintech, carbon future, and energy markets: Implications for hedging and investment ...
经营风险(Businessrisk)财务风险(Financialrisk)流动风险(Liquidityrisk)违约风险(Defaultrisk)利率风险(Interestraterisk)汇率风险通货膨胀风险(Inflationrisk)破产风险政治风险 2、风险的性质:系统风险与非系统风险(宏观与微观)问题:投资者如何进行决策?投资哪种证券;...
企业改组包括资产与负债重估,以及与债权人磋商,以作出继续偿债的安排 Repatriation 资金汇回本国 将外币转换成为本国货币的程序 Repayment 偿还债务 偿还债务的行为 Replacement Cost 重置成本 以类似资产置换现有资产牵涉的价格 Required Rate Of Return 要求回报率 吸引投资者投资一种证券所需的回报率 Required Reserves...
1102-短期投资跌价准备-Provisionforlossondeclineinvalueofshort-terminvestments 1111-应收票据-Notesreceivable 1121-应收股利-Dividendsreceivable 1131-应收帐款-Accountsreceivable 1133-其他应收款-Otherreceivable 1141-坏账准备-Provisionforbaddebts 1151-预付账款-Advancetosuppliers 1161-应收补贴款-Subsidyreceivable 120...
Series I bonds don't come with a guarantee to double in value over 20 years. Instead, Series I bonds are issued for a period of 30 years and have a rate of return that is fixed for the life of the bond plus an inflation-adjusted interest rate.3 ...