axes[1][1].set(xlabel='subject',ylabel='% Higher Degree',title='Higher Degree Percent Across Subject') Humanities, History, Design, Religion, and Education课程用户年龄中位数偏高,年龄层偏大;Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics课程男性学员比例偏大;Humanities, History, Desi...
History, Design, Religion, and Education(该课程在Harvard学习人数较多);Computer Science和Government, Health, and Social Science类型课程的学习人数较多且较为接近,共占总人数的55.21%。这
Udacity目前的主要盈利模式是“Nano Degree”(纳米学位)。这是一系列的,和企业合作的,“成套”培训课...
3、学生信息相关字段:Median age:用户年龄中位数、% Male:男性占比、% Female:女性占比、% Bachelor's degree or higher:学生学士学历或以上占比 二、分析维度 三、数据清洗 由于数据量比较小,而且数据很完整,不需要过多的清洗。为了使数据更直观地表现出来,这里需要将列名改成中文,课程机构和课程类别也改成中...
/v_show/id_XNjkzODczMjky.htmlUdacity:创始人CEO Sebastian Thrun 始于斯坦福大学TED Peter Norvig: The 100,000-student classroom容纳十万人的教室(中文版网易公开课)coursera合作院校:北京大学: /pku国立台湾大学:/taiwan香港中文大学: /cuhk香港科技大学:/hkust上海交通大学:/sjtu复旦大学:/fudanedx合作院校:清华...
Python Data Science IBM $255 Beginner, Intermediate View Course edX vs.Coursera Like edX, Coursera partners with universities and companies to provide a broad selection of online courses and degree programs. Learners can earn bachelor’s or master’s degrees in business, computer science and enginee...
【摘要】2018年慕课累计学习人数超过1亿,参与慕课建设的高校已经超过900所,累计上线的课程超过1万门。就Coursera、edX、学堂在线、Udacity和FutureLearn这五大代表性平台来看,各平台面向付费用户提供了不同种类的业务且收入可观,其发展重心均放在了在线学位与面向企业的业务之上。在提供付费业务的同时,各平台仍保留了一定..., I thought it would be an interesting exercise to see if it was possible to design a reasonable computer science curriculum using just Coursera courses, where “reasonable” is a curriculum that roughly mirrors the coursework required for a four-year university computer science degree....
Just to name a few colleges partnered with edX: Harvard, MIT, University of Californi -Berkeley, Boston University, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and the University of Queensland Australia. These universities’ subjects range from art, architecture, history, law, chemistry,computer science, ...