edwardsiella hoshinae 读音: 美 英 edwardsiella hoshinae基本解释 保科爱德华氏菌;和保科爱德华氏菌;保科爱德华菌 分词解释 Edwardsiella[微]爱德华菌属 猜你喜欢 edwardsiella tard爱德华氏菌 edwardsiella tarda迟缓爱德华氏菌 edwardsiella ictaluri爱德华氏菌 edwardsiella ictarda钻鱼爱德华氏菌...
货号:NCTC 12121 品牌:NCTC 产品系列:NCTC原代菌株 包装:1支 保存条件:4-10℃ 有效期: 产地:英国 产品介绍 Edwardsiella ictaluriDermatophilus congolen...
Edwardsiella hoshinae, a new species of enterobacteriaceae[J] . Patrick A. D. Grimont,Francine Grimont,Claude Richard,Riichi Sakazaki.Current Microbiology . 1980 (6)Grimont PAD, Grimont F, Richard C, Sakazaki R. 1980. Edwardsiella hoshinae, a new species of Enterobacteriaceae. Curr Microbiol 4:...
The three species recognised in the genus Edwardsiella are Edwardsiella ictaluri, Edwardsiella tarda (synonym Edwardsiella anguillimortifera) and Edwardsiella hoshinae. A further fish-pathogenic species, Edwardsiella piscicida, has been proposed (Abayneh et al., 2013). E. ictaluri is a serious path...
货号:NCTC 12122 品牌:NCTC 产品系列:NCTC原代菌株 包装:1支 保存条件:4-10℃ 有效期: 产地:英国 产品介绍 Edwardsiella tardaEdwardsiella hoshinae
读音:美英 英汉翻译近义词典英英词典发音词典 Edwardsiella中文翻译 n.[微]爱德华菌属 Edwardsiella是什么意思 网络爱德瓦氏杆菌属 词组短语 1.Edwardsiellatarda爱德华氏菌;迟钝爱德华菌;迟缓爱德华菌;迟缓爱德华氏菌 2.Edwardsiellahoshinae保科爱德华菌;保科爱德华氏菌;保科氏爱德华菌 ...
Stains with Congo Red, iron-loving Edwardsiellaspp. E. tardais the primary human pathogen. It behaves similarly regarding biochemical, virulence, and clinical profile toSalmonellaspp. Other species mainly isolated from fish:E. hoshinae, E. ictaluri (catfish), E. piscidida ...
分享到: 保科爱德华氏菌 分类: 微生物学|查看相关文献(pubmed)|免费全文文献 详细解释: 以下为句子列表: 分享到:
Edwardsiellawas isolated from infected humans and animals and identified as a new genus of Enterobacteriaceae in 1965 [1]. Recently, theEdwardsiellagenus was classified into five species, includingE. tarda,E. anguillarum,E. ictaluri,E. hoshinae, andE. piscicida[2,3].E. tarda(now is also con...
hoshinae)3个种.由爱德华菌引起的鱼类传 染病具有流行广,发病率及死亡率高等特 点,能引起多种鱼类感染发病.鲴爱德华菌 主要危害斑点叉尾鲴. 1.叉尾鲴爱德华菌的致病性 鲴爱德华菌病称为鲴肠道败血症 (entericsepticaemiaofcatfish,ESC).病原菌 为鲴爱德华菌(Edwardsiellaictaluri),各种规 ...