爱德华/edwards真空计(Vacuum Gauge),又名真空表,是测量真空度或气压的仪器。一般是利用不同气压下气体的某种物理效应的变化进行气压的测量。在科研和工业生产中广泛使用。相关产品 D02604000 APG100-XLCEdwards爱德华皮拉尼真空计APG200系介绍售 APG100-MP-NW16爱德华EDWARDS真空计APG100系介绍及销售 Protec P3000(XL...
D40013120 Linecord 2M With Us Plug Vacuum Gauge Head D02145000 PRCT10Pk Gauge Head D02152000 PRCT10K Gauge Head Pirani D02152500 PRCT10K/5M Lead D02153000 PRCT10C Pirani Gauge Head D02156000 PRCT10KF Gauge Head Pirani D02157000 PRM10K CR Pirani Gauge Head D02158000 PRL10K Pirani Gauge ...
If you are unsure of the right pump or gauge for your intended process, please contact your local Edwards office. Our application experts will be happy to help you choose the right pharmaceutical vacuum solution for your need. Relevant products and services ...
If you are unsure of the right pump or gauge for your intended process, please contact your local Edwards office. Our application experts will be happy to help you choose the right speciality and fine chemicals vacuum solution for your need....
Edwards TAG Turbo & Gauge ControllerEdwards Turbo and Active (TAG) controller is a small low cost pumping system controller, suitable for a wide range of vacuum applications, and compatible with all Edwards EXT and nEXT turbomolecular pumps. The large LED display shows the pump speed or vacuum...
EDWARDS Vacuum Gauge NEW + ORIGINAL+ ONE YEAR WARRANTY 爱泽工业成立于2010年,定位于向先进制造工业提供高端制造技术和设备。代理经营世界先进的电气自动化、机械与传动、流体控制、仪器仪表、工具等产品。作为电气,液压以及气动解决方案的合作伙伴,我们利用我们的全球协作团队,为客户提供先进解决方案,市场知识以及相关增...
Vacuum science... product solution.Edwards Turbo and Active Gauge (TAG) controller is a small low cost pumping system controller, suitable for a wide range of vacuum applications and compatible with all Edwards EXT and nEXT turbopumps. The large LED display shows the pump speed or vacuum ...
Rough Vacuum 1000 mbar - 1 mbar Principle Of MeasurementPirani - thermal conductivity vacuum gauge Material of Construction Material BodyStainless Steel 1.4404 / 316 L / X2 CrNiMo 17 13 2 Material Exposed To VacuumPlatinum/Iridium, Stainless steel 316L and 304L, Glass, Ni, NiFe, Stainless steel...
Rough Vacuum 1000 mbar - 1 mbar Principle Of MeasurementPirani - thermal conductivity vacuum gauge Material of Construction Material BodyStainless Steel 1.4404 / 316 L / X2 CrNiMo 17 13 2 Material Exposed To VacuumTungsten/Rhenium, Stainless steel, 316L and 304L, Glass, Ni, NiFe, Stainless ste...
straightforward process control and interlocking • CSA and C/US approved, meets the safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement • RS485 or RS232 versions • 9600 to 38400 baud, 8bits, 1 start bit, 1 stop bit, no parity nAIM DIGITAL ACTIVE INVERTED MAGNETRON VACUUM GAU...