爱德华·斯诺登(Edward Snowden)生于1983年,曾是CIA(美国中央情报局)技术分析员,后供职于国防项目承包商Booz Allen Hamilton。 2013年6月将美国国家安全局关于PRISM监听项目的秘密文档披露给了《卫报》和《华盛顿邮报》,随即遭美国政府通缉,事发时人在香港,随后飞往俄罗斯。2013年6月21日,斯诺登通过《卫报》再次曝光...
Boris van der Ham / Willem Stam / 爱德华·斯诺登 Edward Snowden 会见斯诺登(2017)[ 演员 - 自己 ] 导演: Flore Vasseur 主演: 劳伦斯·莱斯格 Lawrence Lessig / 爱德华·斯诺登 Edward Snowden 普京访谈录(2017)[ 演员 - 自己 ] 导演: 奥利佛·斯通 Oliver Stone ...
Edward Snowden. सेल्फ: Citizenfour. Edward Snowden का जन्म 21 जून 1983 को हुआ था।Edward Snowden एक अभिनेता और लेखक हैं, जो Citiz
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币界网报道:币界网消息,隐私倡导者 Edward Snowden 在泰国曼谷的 Near Redacted 会议上讨论了去中心化。Snowden 谈及加密货币、人工智能和区块链技术,并以 Solana 为例,指出风险投资对区块链项目的影响。他认为 Solana 因大量风险投资而“生于监狱”,这可能阻碍其独立运作。Snowden 强调去中心化的重要性,以对抗 AI...
Edward Snowden: A very 21st century spyKarim Talbi
Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on Monday granting Russian citizenship to former US National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden. Snowden, who revealed in 2013 that the US government had been spying on the email a...
Edward Snowden. Self: Citizenfour. Edward Snowden was born on 21 June 1983 in Elizabeth City, North Carolina, USA. He is an actor and writer, known for Citizenfour (2014), Snowden (2016) and The Alternative Christmas Message 2013 (2013). He has been marr
Edward Snowden—the fugitive (逃亡者) former U.S.intelligence employee —appearsto be stuck in Moscow, unable to leave without a valid American passport,according to interviews Sunday with two men who had sought to aid him:WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange and Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa. Snowden...
Edward Snowden, the man who risked everything to expose the US government’s system of mass surveillance, reveals for the first time the story of his life, including how he helped to build that system and what motivated him to try to bring it down. ...