She stepped over to me and waved for me to follow her with my emptied urn. Her hand rested on my shoulder as we headed back toward the pond nestled deep in the orchard, a half a mile’s walk. I dropped my inner complaints against it as I considered what she said. “Vo Ma, that...
This widowed rose, deprived of the hand which had tended it so carefully, and of the heart which its beauty had gladdened, seemed now in its careless desolation awaiting the hour when it should die. It really looked, with its drooping boughs, its torn blossoms, and its brown leaves, rust...
They rose, indeed, from the equestrian order; but they preserved the præfecture, with the rank of senator and even with the annulship.] 43 (return) [ He was a native of Cæsarea, in Numidia, and began his fortune by serving in the household of Plautian, from whose ruin he ...
Twenty centuries ago the flat country of Scandinavia must have been covered by the sea; while the high lands rose above the waters, as so many islands of various forms and dimensions. Such, indeed, is the notion given us by Mela, Pliny, and Tacitus, of the vast countries round the ...