Tom Jones. Here, in Mexico, they were still to be found, after they had disappeared from the rest of the habitable globe; and even now, though the private carriages are all of a more modern type, there are still left a few of these amazing vehicles, now degraded to the cab-stand; ...
Jones, M.L.M.; Sowerby, A.; Williams, D.L.; Jones, R.E. Factors controlling soil development in sand dunes: Evidence from a coastal dune soil chronosequence.Plant Soil2008,307, 219–234. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Del Vecchio, S.; Rova, S.; Fantinato, E.; Pranovi, F.; Buffa...
A. N. Jones, Le Roy, N. Y. Staminate. Longworth's Prolific. —An old variety, that is passing out of cultivation; still grown quite extensively in California. It is a large, roundish-oval berry of good flavor. The plant is said to be vigorous and productive. Originated on the ...
Cobá 984 / pop 1300 Though not as large as some of the more famous ruins, Cobá is ‘cool’ because you feel like you’re in an Indiana Jones flick. It’s set deep in the jungle and many of the ruins are yet to be excavated. Walk along ancient sacbes (stone-paved avenues), cli...