CR(29:00): I admired how you let the curators/experts’ personalities come through. They’re all seated. They’re almost all like Hopper (paintings)…I thought the film structure mirrors the artist’s process in that way. You let the art speak and the people interpreting. Michael(30:00)...
张瀚天 译,译者为北大法律评论助理编辑转自: PKULAWREVIEW公众号导言[译者按]弗里德里克 威廉 梅特兰(1850-1906)被公认为现代英国法律史之父。即使在今天,梅特兰的著作依然是研习英国法律史所无法忽略的起点。他和波洛克合著的《英格兰法律史——爱德华一世之前》(The Hitory of English Law before the Time of Edwa...