Michael D. Olmos Village Roadshow Renews Production Deal With Kevin Garnett’s Banner 4/26/2024 by Etan Vlessing The Hollywood Reporter - Movie News ‘Swat’ Season 7 Episode 7 Photos, Cast and “Last Call” Promo 3/27/2024 by Rebecca Murray ...
Edward James Olmos (二月 6, 2014) Season 1, Episode 25 - Self PoliticKING with Larry King (2014) (TV Series) - Self - Guest (1 episode, 2014) Sergey Kislyak, Dana Rohrabacher, and Edward James Olmos (二月 6, 2014) Season 1, Episode 35 - Self - Guest Live Forever: The Ray...
Edward James Olmos. Interprete: Battlestar Galactica. Edward James Olmos è nato il 24 febbraio 1947. Luogo di nascita: Usa. È conosciuto come attore e produttore. È celebre per aver partecipato a Battlestar Galactica (2004), Selena (1997) e La for
爱德华·詹姆斯·奥莫斯(Edward James Olmos),1947年出生于加利福尼亚州,美国著名影视演员、导演及制片人,1964年,奥莫斯高中毕业后,在东洛杉矶学院学...更多> 加入圈子
AMERICAN ME marked the feature directorial debut of AFI Trustee Edward James Olmos, who also starred in the film. AFI Trustee Tom Pollock was working as an attorney for the film’s screenwriter Floyd Mutrux when the script was originally written and arranged for it be sold as a vehicle for...
Titles, Movies and Posters Sort by: American Me CAST: Olmos, Edward James, Edward James Olmos, William Forsythe, Pepe Serna, Danny De La Paz, Evelina Fernandez, Sal Lopez, Daniel Villarreal, YEAR: 1992 Zoot Suit CAST: Valdez, Luis, Edward James Olmos, Daniel Valdez, Tyne Daly, Charle...
9.4 演员(饰 Chucho Peña) 十二怒汉1997 9.3 演员 白宫风云 第一季1999 9.1 演员 太空堡垒卡拉狄加 第四季2008 9.0 演员/ 导演 太空堡垒卡拉狄加 第二季2005 9.0 演员 嗜血法医 第六季2011 9.0 演员 神话剧场 第一季1982 9.0 演员 太空堡垒卡拉狄加 第一季2004 ...
Edward James Olmos (actor and founder / board chairman ofLatinX in Animation), Michael Olmos, and Mike Montijo have teamed up to create the animated series,Pachuko Boy 2055. To develop the look of the show, the three turned to Carlos Gaxiola, Angel Ibarra A., and Ruben Perez ofDemente ...