Afterward, it settles into its happy equilibrium. Edward G. Robinson is stately with beard and silver hair as Mr. Howard, the veteran of the poker-playing world who has seen a great deal and has remained the best of the best even after all these years. It’s all but inevitable The Kid...
•Schuyler Robinson •Timothy Edward Smith, Organist •Murray Forbes Somerville, Organist •Bruce Stevens, Organist •Daniel Sullivan •Peter Sykes, Organist •William Teague, Organist •Maxine Thévenot, Organist •Marijim Thoene, Organist ...
Also, government officials were bent on making gay people invisible from cinematic narratives and the United States Supreme Court handed down the ruling that filmmakers were not protected by the First Amendment in the matter of free speech. They considered Hollywood to be a powerful mechanism that ...
Edward G. Robinson and James Cagney inSmart MoneyEdward G. Robinson (left) and James Cagney inSmart Money(1931), directed by Alfred E. Green. Short, chubby, with “the face of a depraved cherub and a voice which makes everything he says seem violently profane,” asTimemagazine described ...