萝莉岛事件 | 美国媒体爆出一个震惊世界的新闻:金融家杰弗里·爱泼斯坦(Jeffrey Epstein)在加勒比海的私人岛屿“萝莉岛”(Prince Edward Island)上,涉嫌组织性侵未成年少女的活动。据说,从90年代开始,爱泼斯坦就在这个岛屿上举办狂欢派对,邀请了许多有权有势的人参加,包括政治家、商人和娱乐圈的大人物。 果然还是资本主...
In aninterview withThe New Yorker“conducted by encrypted means from Moscow,” Snowden insisted that he acted alone, noting that it would be strange for a Russian operative to head to Hong Kong and be “stuck in the airport forever.”“Spies get treated better than that,” hesaid. Snowden ...
Edward Snowden does not expect to be able to make it to Venezuela or Nicaragua, the two countries that haveoffered him asylum, without getting intercepted by the United States en route. But he could travel a much shorter distance, into the Russian capital’s city center. Snowden’s Russian ...