Results. The analysis of the subject literature leads to the conclusion that the reconstruction of the approach to the relationship between education and the labour market will allow looking at the individual in a more holistic way, integrating different roles in which ...
Świat się zmienia, a edukacja online to dynamicznie rozwijający się rynek. Koszty studiów wciąż rosną wraz z kurczeniem się rynku pracy. W rezultacie edukacja online rośnie nie tylko pod względem popularności, ale i konieczności. Ludzie szukają elasty...
Odwiedź rynek FedRAMP CISA Secure by Design Pledge Firma Cloudflare podpisała zobowiązanie CISA w ramach naszego zaangażowania w wiodące w branży rozwiązania, które są bezpieczne już w fazie projektowania i domyślnie. ...
Globalization is a process influencing each spheres of social life as well as the life of an individual. Special evolution may be observed in the field of work and education, which went through many changes under the globalization factors influence. Education is this branch, which, to a great ...
As it is true what A. Giddens writes, that the future of the majority of people will directly depend on their being successful in their professional lives. Their success, in turn, depends on the qualifications and competences they present. Vocational education is the way leading to them. ...