1.MA Chinese Studies (Language Education) 中文研究文学硕士(语文教育) 官网: https://www.eduhk.hk/fhm/tc/postgraduate-programme/master-of-arts-in-chinese-studies-language-education-macsle 学制:全日制1年 学费:136,000港币,折合人民币约12.4万 申请日期:2024申请已截止,2024.11月预计开放2025年申请 入学...
我们同学获得录取的国际汉语教学硕士MA Teaching Chinese as an International Language(TCIL)设置在中国语言学系(Department of Chinese Language Studies)下,在中国语文教育(Chinese language education)、国际中文教育(International Chinese language education)和汉语语言学(Chinese linguistics)领域,有一批经验丰富、共27位...
Centre for Language in Education (CLE) l 中文研究文學碩士(語文教育)eduhk.hk/fhm/tc/postgra 本課程主要以普通話授課。在適當情況下,部分環節將以粵語或英語授課。 Faculty of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences (FLASS) Department of Asian and Policy Studies (APS) Department of Cultural and Creative Arts...
The Chinese University of Hong Kong Hong Kong Baptist University The Education University of Hong Kong The University of Hong Kong Master of Arts in the field of Music Studies 申请要求: 要求本科专业为音乐相关专业. IELTS 7.0 (5.5) 或 TOEFL 80 (Writing 25) 申请截止日期 (2024 fall): 2024 年...