1) Montessori's educational thoughts for pre-school children 蒙台梭利幼儿教育观2) Montessori method 蒙台梭利教育法 1. Function of environment is highly emphasized in Montessori method. 蒙台梭利教育法非常强调环境的作用。 2. Montessori method emphasizes teacher’s role as inductor and support in ...
In the past, kids who haven’t mastered the gift of putting their thoughts into clear sentences that can be spoken out loud were often labelled as shy or introverted; in many cases, these children just have other preferred methods of communication. ...
Education is crucial for kids as it opens up a world of possibilities for them. We all want the best for our children, and today’s technology offers some fantastic resources to support their learning. There are many websites and games specifically designed for kids that make learning both fu...
Play games with dinosaurs, read fairy tales, and learn with Pengui! "Amaya Kids World" is an amusement park that will acquaint your children with the amazing Wo…
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4.A Brief Analysis of the Educational Thoughts of the Children Special Journal in Takungpao;浅析《大公报》儿童特刊的教育思想 5.Appraisal Theory,Teaching English from News/Magazines and Media Literacy;评价理论、英语报刊教学与媒介素养教育 6.The History of 《Journal of Urumqi Adult Education Institute》...
3.Montessori s educational thoughts in modern China——On the 100~(th) anniversary of Montessori s idea of children education;蒙台梭利教育思想在近代中国——纪念蒙台梭利“儿童之家”创办一百周年 3)Education thought教育思想 1.Concise dissertation on the modern value of Confucius education thought;略论孔...
Tao Xingzhi's educational thoughts on "little teacher system" have rich theoretical connotation and practical values, which not only inherits and practices ancient China's educational thoughts but also innovates and develops modern China's educational practical experience. His thoughts play practical and...
customize a response to the student to help him or her improve.(将这个问题记录在案,教师就可以更有针对性地应对学生,帮助他或她改进)”,由此可知,该空与空前内容形成转折关系,而选项FThis provides an opportunity for students to organize their thoughts.(学习日志可以显示学生未掌握一些概念)的内容可以承...
Computer games are a lot of fun. The child has the opportunity to be creative, direct their thoughts in search of solutions, and gradually overcome obstacles. By solving one block, one moves to the next, higher level, and so the child develops his abilities and knowledge, self-esteem, and...