Watch This Show If You Love: BattleBots (2015), Robot Wars (2016), Junkyard Wars (2001), LEGO Masters(2020) US version, Mythbusters Jr. Why Should I Stream? Mecha Builders offers a fresh perspective on the ever-popular world of robotics by showcasing young inventors and their im...
Another interesting study was the one presented in (Law et al., 2020), where the authors explored how fourth and fifth-grade students interacted with a chatbot to teach it about several topics such as science and history. The students appreciated that the robot was attentive, curious, and eag...
A software module is proposed which is helpful in education sector and is helpful for teachers by checking student's assignments. Data file is given to module it will compare student's assignments with it and give result. Given result will show the accuracy of assignment. It will be great ...
The Bored Robot Tutorials on electronics and controls Getting to Know the Arduino IDE By Brandon Tsuge, In this post, we will see how to… Read more Remote Control of a Brushed DC Motor By Brandon Tsuge, Introduction In this post, we’ll… Read more How To Get Started With Robotics...
PeppeRecycle: Improving Children's Attitude Toward Recycling by Playing with a Social Robot In this paper, we investigate the use of a social robot as an engaging interface of a serious game intended to make children more aware and well disposed t... G Castellano,B Decarolis,F D'Errico,....
Table 3 (Rugged robot) and Table 4 (Kubo robot) show examples of quotes for the subthemes. Table 2. Results of the thematic analysis of interviews with designers of the Rugged robot and the Kubo robot according to the levels of activity theory. AT hierarchyRugged robotKubo robot Activity (...
RoboPsych Podcast- A podcast that explores the intersection of robotics and psychology, with discussions of topics such as robot ethics and human-robot interaction. Talking Machines- A podcast that explores the world of machine learning, AI, and robotics, with interviews with experts and discussions...
I thought asking ChatGPT to supply some real world examples for all of us might be a great way to show you the power of AI while also providing you some educational possibilities. Read through this response ChatGPT gave for the following question: “What are ten ways of using ChatGPT for...
Generate positive memories associated with the company The ROI of Memorable Events When done right, corporate events deliver returns that extend far beyond the day itself. Studies show that companies investing in quality team events experience: ...
In SciShow Kids, host Jessi and her rat robot companion, Squeaks, explain, experiment, and show kids how to arrive at the answers to burning questions, such as Why Do Planes Leave White Streaks in the Sky? and How Do Temporary Tattoos Work?