《Journal of Educational Psychology》简称为J Educ Psychol,于1910年创刊于美国。出版商为APA,国际标准刊号为0022-0663,每年自1月份起发布8期期刊。 该期刊主要发表与所有年龄和教育水平的教育有关的原创心理学研究,以及与教育心理学相关的重要的元分析文章,但一般不发表针对特定测量工具的信效度的研究。 《Journalof...
《Journal of Educational Psychology》是一本顶级教育心理学领域期刊,自1910年在美国创刊以来,已出版9599篇文章,包含96篇年度发文量。该期刊主要关注所有年龄与教育水平的教育心理学原创研究,以及重要的元分析文章,但不涵盖特定测量工具的信效度研究。其国际标准刊号为0022-0663,由APA出版。该期刊的最新...
http://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/journal-of-school-psychology 投稿指南: http://www.elsevier.com/journals/journal-of-school-psychology/0022-4405/guide-for-authors 9、 Reading Research Quarterly 期刊简介:该期刊收录内容多为跨...
Journal Info Editor-in-Chief:Murat Yıldırım, University of Leicester, United Kingdom e-ISSN:2791-8300 Editorial board Journal of School and Educational Psychology, which is published two times a year, publishes original empirical and theoretical articles and critical reviews of the literatu...
The main purpose of the Journal of Educational Psychology® is to publish original, primary psychological research pertaining to education across all ages and educational levels. A secondary purpose of the Journal is the occasional publication of exceptionally important theoretical and review articles tha...
Educational Psychology provides an international forum for the discussion and rapid dissemination of research findings in psychological aspects of education ranging from pre-school to tertiary provision and the education of children with special learning needs. As a journal that focuses on researches within...
The International Journal of School & Educational Psychology (IJSEP) is the official journal of The International School Psychology Association (ISPA) and is a broad-based, interdisciplinary journal addressing issues of professional importance to the success of children, youth, and families in academics...
SCIE期刊 SSCI期刊 学科领域:PSYCHOLOGY, EDUCATIONALSchool Psychology is an academic journal focused on the field of school psychology, which is dedicated to publishing empirical research reports and literature reviews on educational and psychological services for children and adolescents in school ...
Educational and School Psychologydoi:10.1002/ijop.12313Renew NowJohn Wiley & Sons, Ltd.International Journal of Psychology
影响因子(2023)1.824 NOW ACCEPTING MANUSCRIPTS! - Submit Online HereThe International Journal of School & Educational Psychology (IJSEP) is the official journal of The International School Psychology Association (ISPA). IJSEP is a refereed journal published quarterly by the association. The primary pur...