Educational Records Bureau Educational Reference Group Educational Repositories Network Educational Requirements Board Educational Requirements Test Educational research Educational Research Abstracts Educational Research and Advisory Unit Educational Research and Dissemination ▼...
an educational psychologist 教育心理学家 牛津词典 an educational visit 教育访问 牛津词典 educational games/toys (= that teach you sth as well as amusing you) 寓教于乐的游戏 / 玩具 牛津词典 Watching television can be very educational. 看电视会使人受到很多教益。 牛津词典 Children living in inner...
月薪1.5-2.5万【心理咨询师 Educational Psychologist招聘信息_ID:158627343】,猎头顾问发布心理咨询师 Educational Psychologist高薪职位;高端猎头职位招聘信息查询,高级人才找工作上无忧精英网。
educational psychologist N→ psicopedagogo/a m/feducational psychology N→ psicopedagogía feducational technology N→ tecnología f educativaeducational television N→ televisión f educativa Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971,...
26、educationalrequirements differ from country to country.(各国的教育要求会有所不同。) 27、An assessment by an independenteducationalpsychologist was essential.(由一位独立的教育心理学家做评估是至关重要的。) 28、Why is it in this country that we have departed from goodeducationalsense?(为什么我们...
In the first, the PPC psychologist reflects how as part of decentralisation, she is spending more fixed hours per week in the schools she is connected to. In the second statement, the PPC manager expresses concern that the heightened requirements for more practice-oriented educational psychology ... educational psychologist 教育心理学家 7...pupils with special educational needs. 需要特殊教育的学生 8.She received her education at private schools. 9.The governor of Texas, Mark White, appointed Perot to head a committee on educational reform. 10...
(these requirements were taken from an actual ad). A search team under the supervision of an I/O psychologist is advising the management which of 18 applicants is most suited for the job. They use an intelligence test, a situational judgment test, and an interview to decide which candidate ...
for individuals preparing to be school psychologists, such as thePraxis School Psychologist Exam Prep, review key topics in developmental and educational psychology, assessments, and intervention, and are designed for the requirements of individual states. Test-takers who utilize these study guides will...