William James and John Dewey led philosophers and psychologists to examine the implications of relevance for student learning and motivation. They theorized that relevance was critical for comprehension of new information and for academic engagement. Beyond calls for educators to "make education relevant,...
that goes against the word of God, the Bible or the Catholic Church. Again, if something is white and the Church says it is black, Ignatius says we should all believe it is black. God, the Bible and the Catholic Church speak only the truth. To go against their beliefs would be to ...
Amongst the contemporary Indian philosophers of education, Swami Vivekananda is one of those who revolted against the imposition of British system of education in India. He criticized the pattern of education introduced by the British in India. He pointed out that the current system of education ...
specifically, epistemicAims and their value, epistemicIdeals, andReliable epistemic processes. Epistemic aims are goals involving developing a representation of the world, such as models, theories, explanations, and beliefs. The value or importance of epistemic aims can impact whether and how people...
In: Solomon RC (ed) Thinking about feeling: contemporary philosophers on emotion. Oxford University Press, New York, pp 76–88 Google Scholar Stansbury K, Zimmerman J (2000) Lifelines to the classroom: designing support for beginning teachers (RJ96006901). Office of Educational Research and ...
‘social contract’ is still discussed by political philosophers. His novel about the young man, Emile, which traces his life from birth until parenthood, created something of a furor upon its publication, and it was publicly burned in France. The novel—a founding work of modern progressive ...
In this show, Professor Peter Adamson provides an overview of the ideas, lives and historical context of the major philosophers (as well as lesser known ones). If nothing else, it might help you pass that required Philosophy 101 course....
This was not quite the home education lauded by liberal philosophers overseas; it was rather a uniquely American innovation that substituted self-education for home education in an effort to pursue the same goal — intellectual liberty — by different means. And it has remained a canonica...
Heikkinen, H. (2002). Telling stories in teacher education. A narrative-biographical view on portfolio work. In: Huttunen, R, Heikkinen, H. & Syrjälä, L. (Eds),Narrative research. Voices of teachers and philosophers(pp. 123–142).Jyväskylä: Sophi. ...
/ We shall also need minds at work from all sorts of brains / outside the fields of science, /most of all the brains of poets, of course, / but also those of artists, musicians, philosophers, historians, writers in general. Unit night In the Chinese culture, / the whole process of ...