Other learning tasks that could augment the attainment of each learning outcome in the online environment are listed in a third column. A choice is then made on which environment would best address each learning outcome. By applying this process, a blended model is developed, with the focus on...
EDUCATIONAL EXPECTATIONS AND ATTAINMENTS OF PUERTO RICAN HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS IN THE UNITED STATES (SOCIAL MOBILITY, PATH ANALYSIS). Item Type Authors Publisher Rights Download date Link to Item text; Dissertation-Reproduction (electronic) MERCADO, CANDIDO ANTONIO. The University of Arizona. Copyright ...
There is no consensus in the literature as to which inflammatory markers beyond the C-reactive protein and to a lesser extent interleukin 6 are related to the social environment. Accordingly, we aimed to investigate the association between educational attainment, and several markers of inflammation ...
For example, studies have found that higher adult child educational attainment is associated with better management of chronic health conditions [29, 30] and a lower risk of adverse health behaviors (e.g. smoking) among older parents [20, 31]. These associations are often explained by the ...
The Heritability of Educational Achievement and Attainment Educational achievement refers to students’ relative performance within an educational setting or level, for example the end-of-year exam grades in school. Educational attainment pertains to the level of education that a person acquires, ranging...
Meaning These findings suggest that elimination of ethnic health disparities requires more than equalizing socioeconomic resources across ethnic groups. Abstract Importance The concept of minorities’ diminished returns refers to the smaller protective effects of educational attainment for racial and ethnic min...
Existing explanatory narratives — status attainment, status closure, postindustrial modernity, institutional field formation — all betray a paucity of mechanisms. As Jackson (2019:20) summarizes, “[a]n increase in supply cannot straightforwardly occur ‘in response to’ demand, without institutions...
Meaning Multiyear, comprehensive preventive interventions beginning in early childhood can promote long-term educational success that contributes to positive health and economic outcomes. Abstract Importance Educational attainment is the leading social determinant of health, but few studies of prevention programs...
and especially the low-educated (Kelin et al., 2022). Thus, educational attainment, along with age has a substantial effect on performance and outcomes of paid work. However, previous research suggested that it also plays a role in the performance of unpaid household work. For example, gender...
Education for cooperation.The method used for engaging learners in collaborative activities also becomes something that is learnt. In other words, learners grasp the real meaning of cooperation (in this case performed at a distance) through the use of technology. The educational objectives involved he...