French education systemdemocratisationglobal educationWeberreformist discourseThe structural reforms of the education system in France (1959, 1963, and 1975) were part both of a global process of democratisation of education launched after the Second World War and of a larger modernisation project in ...
Today, though any such a bold overall affirmation must be open to question, it is still true to say that the French education system is one of the more successful in the world, and that in certain fields it remains a world leader. According to theOECD, France's education system is ...
Passage 2The French education system is very different from the English one in its aims, its organization and its results.The French child too, the raw material of this education, is unlike the English child and differences in the raw material may well account for differences in the processes...
one of France’s greatest education reformers, is no exception. However, several exclusively Freinet schools still exist in France and there are thousands of “Freinet classes” within traditional French classrooms.
This paper attempts to re-examine the notion of equality, going beyond the classic opposition in France between affirmative action and meritocratic equality. Hence, we propose shifting the French debate about equality of opportunities in education to the question of how to raise equality of capability...
The French apprenticeship system has been an object of research in France for more than 30 years now, by experts from different backgrounds. Over the past 15 years apprenticeship has grown significantly in higher education. At this level, if a greater importance is attached to theory, it becomes...
This thesis examines memory and its transmission through a case study of the Algerian war of national independence in terminale history classes in France. It argues that while these classes may, in relative terms, be an important vector of "memory" for the young, in absolute terms very little...
The highly centralized school system has always been perceived as the best means to promote equality and national unity in France. The “modern” French state began to take shape in the late eighteenth century (Furet 1978).1 Until the French Revolution,.
La démocratisation de l'enseignement en France: Polémiques autour d'une question d'actualité. (French). (English):The question of the democratization of education in France has been studied many times. It remains open, however, since the facts themselves are ... DURU-BELLAT,Marie,KIEFFER,...
"Now, in many areas of China, I believe vocational education is world-class," Barnaart said. Nowadays, he is impressed by the balance between practical and theoretical training in China's vocational education system, especially in Chongqing. He applauded the policy-based approach to training and...