Enhancing girls' access to high-quality education is a global priority that is articulated in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It is also a national priority in Malawi. The Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) was contracted by UNICEF, to conduct an education sector review ...
Drawing mostly on secondary data, the analysis of documents, reports and academic articles, as well as on primary data from interviews and discussions with key informants in Malawi, this paper reviews the way in which the education sector in Malawi is responding to support students' access to ...
The development objective of the Education Sector Improvement Project for Malawi is to support implementation of Malawi's second education sector implementation plan (2014-2018) to achieve its goals for improving learning outcomes and enhancing internal efficiency and equity for primary education. Some of...
A recent development in the adult literacy education sector in the country was the launch of the Sustainable Social and Economic Empowerment Programme (SSEEP) in 2003. The overall objective of the SSEEP, piloted in 12 districts across the country, is to promote the Regenerated Freirean Literacy...
(1999). Education sector analysis in Africa: Limited national control and even less national ownership. International Journal of Educational Development, 19, 249–272. Article Google Scholar Schraeder, P., Hook, S. & Taylor, B. (1998). Clarifying the foreign aid puzzle: A comparison of ...
ASSESSING THE ADOPTION, IMPLEMENTATION AND EFFECTIVE UTILIZATION OF EDUCATION TECHNOLOGY AND INNOVATION IN EDUCATION SECTOR IN MALAWI - (A CASE STUDY OF MP... The integration of education technology and innovation into the education sector is increasingly becoming a global imperative, with the potential...
(MDGs).The Government has taken steps to address development issues, mainly through national policies outlined in documents such as Vision 2020, the Malawi Growth and Development Strategy [MGDS], Malawi's Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper [PRSP], the National Education Sector Plan [NESP] and the ...
Since early 1970s until mid 80s the disability sector in Malawi was based on charity. Activities and caregivers, benefiting disabled persons, emerged from different churches and missions. Disability issues where, from governmental point of view, taken care of by Ministry of Health (MoH), Ministry...
Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital (QECH) is the largest public tertiary hospital in Malawi and functions as the main referral hospital for the Southern Region. It is also a teaching hospital for different health related professions. On average about 100 women report to QECH for antenatal care pe...
Food security was assessed with the commonly used household hunger scale (HHS) which has been validated in Malawi [34]. As suggested by the validation study, we calculated household hunger scale from 3 items (combined score: first step (yes = 1, never = 0), second step (if yes...