Education Research Internationalceased publishing as of September 2024. All content published in this journal will remain available to access on this platform. To read or submit to our active journals published in this subject area, visit ourjournal finder. ...
International Journal of Social Science and Education Research (IJOSSER)是每月一次的在线国际同行评审期刊。所有发表的文章都经过严格和快速的审查,符合期刊质量标准。IJOSSER 致力于发表有助于管理、经济学、教育和社会科学实践的实证、学术、理论和评论研究文章。期刊范围包括:人类学、传播学、经济学、教育学、地理学...
官方征稿:International Journal of Social Science and Education Research,知网+谷歌+doi 1 年前 常编辑说关注2024年知网稳定收录!IJOSSER:《国际社会科学与教育研究杂志》(IJOSSER)是Cnki+Airiti+DOI+Google Scholar+其他被动检索的期刊,文章进行同行评议,按月出刊。所有发表的文章都经过严格快速的审查。
“It seems that funding institutions and academic bodies tend to support research that aligns with prevailing social and political ideologies,” said Dr. John Leo Grimani, CEO of LionHeart Family Institute. “Scholars investigating alternative perspectives—particularly those rooted in religious principles ...
As International Competitiveness is viewed as a top priority on the political agenda in the epoch of globalization, many governments have initiated education reforms focusing on improving the quality of human capital. Accordingly, this context comes to remold the state’s role in education shifting fr...
研究方向:EDUCATION & EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH 杂志简介 SCIE期刊 SSCI期刊 学科领域:EDUCATION & EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH The International Journal of Educational Research publishes research manuscripts in the field of education. Work must be of a quality and context that the Editorial Board think would be of...
International Journal of Advanced Education Research (IJAER)is a peer reviewed, open access international scientific journal dedicated for rapid publication of high quality original research articles as well as review articles in all areas of education....
We recommend that you review theAbout the Journalpage for the journal's section policies, as well as theAuthor Guidelines. Authors need toregisterwith the journal prior to submitting or, if already registered, can simplylog inand begin the five-step process. ...
Published by Contemporary Research Center CRC Publications Vol. 13 No. 1 January, 2025 Title:Teacher’s Role in Education Reform: The Case of the Competency Based Curriculum in Kenya Author:Lucy Mule Title:Blue Ocean Strategy as a Predictor of Firm Performance: Evident from Extant Literature ...