Discussed is the quality assurance aspect of SAACs, the distinction with complaints/grievances processes, what they do, where they should be located, their composition, the navigation of an appeal from application to hearing and the after-effects, and the one glaring problem the appeals process ...
involved. It has been a great way to study because it has allowed me to work in the industry and study at the same time. I have found the online resources to be fantastic, the tutors feedback constructive and the fact that assignments can be submitted online makes the process so easy....
the incidence and ultimate impact appear to be underreported in medical education [16]. Underreporting may be due to fear of consequences on the part of the victim, an ingrained culture of negativity towards those lower in the medical education hierarchy, and perhaps because this ...
Formulating and implementing a strategic plan is core to the modern university leader’s job description. But amid complaints that such documents are vacuous, generic and irrelevant to the wider community, John Ross asks how the process can be impr
The process of social distancing has been difficult and teaching on Zoom has taken its toll on both myself and my students. Although being at home affords more time, the Zoom is exhausting, and certainly, I have found the social distancing from family and friends difficult. Many of my ...
testimonial injustice and hermeneutic injustice. Testimonial injustice occurs when someone’s words are misjudged and considered to be less worthy than another’s due to prejudice. An example in a healthcare setting would be a health professional who ignores a patient’s medical complaints due to pr...
current project that: 1) the evaluation design is as rigorous as possible, 2) the implementation process is monitored by assessing process variables, 3) in the analyses it will be assessed how process variables influence intervention outcomes, and 4) (objective) organizational outcomes are measured...
(1) What are the teacher educators’ perceptions of integrating ICT in their teaching and learning process? (2) How do teacher educators integrate ICT during teacher training? 2. Literature Review 2.1. Theoretical Perspective This study espoused the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of ...
However, this type of group formation was found to be ineffective, and students expressed a reluctance to engage in this process [97] and made continuous complaints, thus decreasing team performance [99]. In the articles, heterogeneity in terms of gender, prior academic achievements, race, and ...