加州大学伯克利分校UC Berkeley教育研究生院Education, Graduate School Of课程辅导/教育研究生院课程设置 我们的研究、教学和实践方法支持公共教育愿景,其目标是在各个层面(课堂、学校、社区、地区、州、国家和全球)实现公平和包容,并对个人成长和社会转型产生积极影响. 我们著名的教师让学生参与理论和实践研究,提供机会发...
加州大学伯克利分校UC Berkeley全球高管教育Berkeley Global Executive Education课程辅导/全球高管教育课程设置 伯克利全球高管教育(BGEE) 为来自美国和世界各国的中高级政府官员和公共政策从业者提供短期定制项目和长期学者项目。我们的课程由加州大学伯克利分校的顶尖教师和从业人员教授,旨在支持政策制定者、公务员和高管,他们渴...
The University of California, Berkeley School of Public Health offers an online MPH program with several unique concentrations, including epidemiology and biostatistics, food, nutrition and population health, health policy and management. Applicants are required to submit three letters of recommendation, an...
Free Online Courses On having universal acceptance; numbers of colleges and universities have come up with their free online courses in varied theme and offering high quality of education making the world familiar with latest internet technology, innovative programs while making the world to continue w...
UC Berkeley Awarded $1.4 Million to Research Online Science EducationSri Ravipati
Umesh Vazirani of UC Berkeley has recorded a series of 64 video lectures for a course titled:Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Computation. The videos are short ranging from 5 to 20 minutes in length and provide a good introduction to basic quantum mechanical principles, qubits, and quantum algorithms...
MOOC(Massive Open Online Course)has grown dramatically since "the Year of MOOC".Simultaneously,top universities,such as Harvard and UC Berkeley,are trying out SPOC(Small Private Online Course),a more refined course that mixes MOOC with campus teaching.Based on both b...
no matter what—whether it helps or hurts their learning,” says DeNero. “Therefore, quickly developing helpful ways of using AI is a critical need, and Azure OpenAI Service allowed us to make very fast progress at scale in UC Berkeley’s largest introductory computer science course.” ...
When the Massachusetts Institute of Technology offered its first free online course this spring, Ashwith Rego jumped at the chance to learn from some of the world's leading researchers — ...
CS 198-077 Blockchain for Developers DeCal Spring 2020: Taught at UC Berkeley during the Spring 2020 semester by the Blockchain at Berkeley Education Department. educationsecurityethereumdappsmart-contractsblockchaindata-analyticssoliditycs-educationbitcoin-scriptdapps-developmenterc20-tokendefisnarks ...