Reach out to us for help with education law in Los Angeles, CA Everyone deserves fair and equal treatment under the law, but our legal system can sometimes feel overly complicated and indifferent to your needs. In emotional and stressful legal matters, you need a dedicated attorney who will s...
Reach out to us for help with education law in Los Angeles, CA Everyone deserves fair and equal treatment under the law, but our legal system can sometimes feel overly complicated and indifferent to your needs. In emotional and stressful legal matters, you need a dedicated attorney who will s...
Special education lawyers at Woodsmall Law Group empower families through education. We represent clients in San Gabriel Valley and eastern Los Angeles.
Education Attorney Adam Wasserman talks ADHD Medical Diagnosis Doesn't Guarantee Access to School Refusal is not Truancy Adam Wasserman Of Education Justice Law... A Lott of Help: Childrens Advocacy & Rights In Schools,... A New Imperative for Schools: Protecting ... ...
education law. Our goal has always been to put parents on an equal footing so that they can get the best for their children and ensure they are educated and become as independent as possible. We serve clients in Southern California, including San Diego, Riverside, Orange, and Los Angeles ...
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We receive all new clients through our Case Analysis, which offers a tremendous value in services and a way to review your case specifics and possibilities,
A Guide for Connecticut Public Schools Complying with the Connecticut Paid Sick Leave Law By: Rebecca Goldberg December 10, 2024 With the expansion of the Connecticut Paid Sick Leave Law (“CPSLL”) effective January 1, 2025, many of our board of education clients have reached out with questio...
Melissa (Meira) Amster has dedicated her law career to special education and disability law. She seeks to help parents attain maximum potential through advocacy. More About Melissa What Clients Are Saying About Special Education Los Angeles, California Attorney ...
Attorney Diana S. Gondek has accrued fifty years of experience as an attorney in education law in the public sector. She has specialized in the practice of school law since she was admitted to the Massachusetts Bar in 1973. She has demonstrated her litigation, negotiation, and collective bargain...