This paper performs a critical examination of the Ofsted Education Inspection Framework (EIF), which was accompanied by an Inspection Handbook for Further Education and Skills, and argues that this policy document reinforces the neoliberal project in education. Drawing on concepts from Michel Foucault'...
系统标签: ite education initial teacher inspects inspection InitialTeacherEducation(ITE) inspectionhandbook ForusefromSeptember2013 ThishandbooksetsoutthestatutorybasisandframeworkforITEinspectionsin EnglandfromSeptember2013. ItprovidesinstructionsandguidanceforinspectorsconductinginspectionsofITE.It setsoutwhatinspectorswi...
The indicator design and data collection framework can be found in OECD Handbook for Internationally Comparative Education Statistics: Concepts, Standards, Definitions and Classifications (2017), including the fundamental statistical concepts, definitions and methodologies underlying the indicators. References Aba...
Norrish, J. M., Williams, P., O'Connor, M., & Robinson, J. (2013). An applied framework for positive education.International Journal of Wellbeing, 3(2), 147–161. ArticleGoogle Scholar OfSTED. (2019).The education inspection framework. Office for ... in a new window) (Open in a new window)Google Scholar O’Toole, C. (2019). Time to teach the politics of mental health: Implications of the power treat ...
These suspected DIF items were methodically removed one by one until every item had undergone inspection. This process yielded two lists: one consisting of anchor items and another comprising suspected DIF items. The second step was a systematic iterative process, where the assumption of “the ...
Public health education aims at producing a competent workforce. The WHO-ASPHER framework proposes a set of relevant public health competencies organised in 10 sections (e.g. science practice, leadership, law policies and ethics etc). As part of the Euro
Featuring an all new “Root Cause Methodology” section that goes into great detail explaining that effective root cause failure analysis must take place within the context of a practical problem-solving methodology or framework. It covers a modified Plan-Do-Check-Act process that emphasizes the imp...
It perpetuates them and requires an inspection of neo-liberalism and subjectivity to make visible alternatives (Bazzul 2012). There are several examples in the literature and in government documents that fulfil the neoliberal possessive individualistic aims. For instance, it has been argued that stu-...
, The Cambridge handbook of language policy (pp. 278–300). Cambridge University Press. Chapter Google Scholar World Bank. (2021). Loud and clear: Effective language of instruction policies for learning. Retrieved on July 16, 2021, from