The works of Euclid, Ptolemy, Hippocrates, Galen, and other Hellenic and Hellenistic scholars, as preserved in the Arabic manuscripts, were translated in southern Italy, Sicily, and Spain and were gradually transmitted northward. The scientific revival allowed the Chartrians to Christianize Greek ...
ARABIC language educationEDUCATIONAL technologyCountries have taken some urgent decisions in order not to experience an irreparable loss in the field of education due to the Covid-19 pandemic that affected the world as of the end of 2019. In this process, the distance ...
Educational researchers also point to another problem.They say South African schools do not produce enogh students with the skills for higher education in math and science.Many schools are not well-equipped.They do not have libraries at school.Ninety-two percent of the schools do not have librari...
Kashua spoke Arabic, Hebrew and English. In an unlikely move, he became a columnist for the Israeli newspaper, Haaretz. When he traveled internationally for work, he didn’t bring his computer because if he did, security at Ben Gurion airport would automatically assume he was a member of He...
Chatbots hold the promise of revolutionizing education by engaging learners, personalizing learning activities, supporting educators, and developing deep i
However, studies have not extensively examined how variation in participation, including the developmental period of exposure—the child's age upon entry and duration of participation—and number and frequency of home/family visits, is associated with child outcomes. In this study, we used linear ...
research as well as material of a more reflective nature. The Beijing International Review of Education (BIRE) aims to publish articles that are of interest not only to academics and policy makers but also teachers and members of the public. All articles in this journal undergo rigorous peer ...
There is a growing field of second language research in early childhood education and a corresponding need to consider the ethical questions that arise in conducting research with young second language children in a variety of contexts. These contexts include children learning major languages such as ...
emphasising the power of project-based learning and intercultural exchange facilitated by the International Education and Resource Network (iEARN). Mr. Abdulla Al-Abdulla, Executive Director of the ROTA Programme, emphasised, "Our digital platforms for teacher training in both Arabic and English are de...
The offer places a 100% discount on all services. The portal shows what you're charged during your monthly usage period, which should be $0.00. To view your balance and sponsorship information, go to the Azure Sponsorships portal and sign in to your account. Can I apply my course credits...