In Lawton, 23% of students tested at or above the proficient level for reading, and 23% tested at or above that level for math.Hugh Bish Elementary School did better in math and better in reading in this metric compared with students across the state. In Oklahoma, 25% of students tested...
#192inOklahoma Elementary Schools Overall Score71.32/100 quick stats Type Public Grades PK-5 Total Enrollment 466 Overview ofWoodland Hills Elementary School Woodland Hills Elementary School is a public school located in Lawton, OK, which is in a small city setting. The student population of Woodla...
Berryhill to work at the Children's Hospital in Oklahoma City where the surgery was performed. The Roberts family would like to give a special thanks to Char- lene Grunstad, who has worked at the tribal complex for more than 20 years for her assistance on the many trips to Oklahoma ...
The online statistics course was an introductory, quantitative research course that covered common statistical concepts and focused on the application of educational research concepts for graduate students in educational technology. In terms of the statistics concepts covered, the course was similar to an ...
lawton elementary schools ranking factors how pioneer park elementary school placed statewide out of 667 schools ranked in oklahoma . reading proficiency rank #288 (tie) math proficiency rank #295 (tie) reading performance somewhat below expectations math performance somewhat below expectations students/...
elementary school 6902 southwest delta avenue, lawton, ok 73505 | (580) 536-6006 | website # 389 in oklahoma elementary schools overall score 41.74/100 quick stats type public grades pk-5 total enrollment 261 overview students/teachers test scores school data district map overview students/...
Anadarko East Elementary School is ranked #256 in Oklahoma Elementary Schools. Schools are ranked on their performance on state-required tests, graduation, and how well they prepare their students for high school. Read more about how we rank the Best Elementary Schools. All Rankings #256 in Okla...
In Fletcher, 24% of students tested at or above the proficient level for reading, and 17% tested at or above that level for math.Fletcher Junior High School did worse in math and worse in reading in this metric compared with students across the state. In Oklahoma, 25% of students tested...
Altus Junior High School is ranked #45 in Oklahoma Middle Schools. Schools are ranked on their performance on state-required tests, graduation, and how well they prepare their students for high school. Read more about how we rank the Best Middle Schools. All Rankings #45 in Oklahoma Middle ...
Woodrow Wilson Elementary School is ranked #302 in Oklahoma Elementary Schools. Schools are ranked on their performance on state-required tests, graduation, and how well they prepare their students for high school. Read more about how we rank the Best Elementary Schools. All Rankings #302 in Okl...