最近正在阅读的几本书籍中,与育儿相关的,力推20世纪最卓越的哲学家之一,罗素(BertrandRussell)在将近一百年前的著作——《教育与美好生活》(EducationAndTheGoodLife)。 其中针对2至6岁期间的道德教育,从各方面阐述,对我很有启发,因而在今天的博文中,拿来与大家分享... (展开) ...
Education and the Good Life : Introduction The chapter begins with a more detailed critique of the aims of the 1988 National Curriculum and its attachment to discrete school subjects. It goes on to ... J White - Education and the Good Life: beyond the National Curriculum (1990) 被引量: ...
According to Petrarch, the main goal of the liberal arts is to help us live a good life and become wise, virtuous, and serene. This is also something achieved via true Christian faith. In this paper, my goal is twofold. First, I review Petrarch's general attitude to the good life and...
此书原名Education and the Good Life, 初版于1926年; 民国时国内曾有一个译本收入师范丛书,译名为罗素教育论。今秋因缘际会,我得以有暇将此书初版本细读一遍,真有‘恨不逢君未生时’之慨,实恨吾父母不曾有缘读此书也! 罗素此书以科学新论审视教育、其特出之洞察力虽距今八十年犹有慧剑新砺之寒光,令人手...
当当中国进口图书旗舰店在线销售正版《【预订】Education and the Good Life》。最新《【预订】Education and the Good Life》简介、书评、试读、价格、图片等相关信息,尽在DangDang.com,网购《【预订】Education and the Good Life》,就上当当中国进口图书旗舰店。
5.EducationandGoodLife 5. Education and Good Life 教育与美好生活 Bertrand Russell 伯特兰•罗素伯特兰•罗素(1872—1970)是二十世纪伟大的哲学家、数学家、逻辑学家以及社会思想家、活动家,是诺贝尔文学奖的获得者。他先后在剑桥大学、芝加哥大学、加利福尼亚大学任教。1920年到中国讲学,宣传他的唯心主义哲学,...
In the context of this study, notable goals are the elimination of poverty (goal 1), the establishment of good health and well-being (goal 3), reduced inequality (goal 10), responsible consumption and production (goal 12), and combating climate change (goal 13), all of which are crucial...
is an American first lady (2021– ), wife of Joe Biden, the 46th president of the United States. She previously served as second lady (2009–17) when her husband was vice president under President Barack Obama.Early life and teaching career Jill Jacobs was born in New Jersey but mostly ...
“the construction of good”encapsulatesmuch of the significance of his philosophy. A person confronted by a spontaneous intrusion of the precarious world into the seemingly steady course of his life will identify and analyze theconstituentsof his particular situation and then consider what changes he...