教育学 3区 EDUCATION & EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH 教育学和教育研究 3区 否 否《Education and Information Technologies》期刊简介:The Journal of Education and Information Technologies (EAIT) is a platform for the range of debates and issues in the field of Computing Education as well as the many uses ...
《Education and Information Technologies》《教育与信息技术》 影响因子:5.5国人占比:1%自引率:12.70% 期刊详情:小众好投的教育学SSCI,教育x设计学也可以。近年来影响因子都很稳定,年发文量大,属于月刊,审稿周期相对短,刊登主题:教育学和教育研究,图书情报科学。#sci #sci论文 #论文 #教育 #教育学 18 2 9 3...
International Journal of Education and Information Technologies杂志网站提供期刊影响因子、JCR和中科院分区查询,SCI期刊投稿经验,Impact Factor(IF),官方投稿网址,审稿周期/时间,研究方向,SCI期刊中科院分区等信息,供科研工作者投稿前参考。
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civil engineering and the infrastructure of knowledge, education and training of workers, that is, the knowledge infrastructure, is neglected. legco.gov.hk 它心目中的 基建,只着重水泥和土木工程的基建,而忽略了智 識、 教 育 及 人 才培訓的基建,即knowledge infrastructure。 legco.gov.hk [...]...
81.Integrative engineering program for modern converging technologies 机译:现代融合技术的集成工程计划 作者:Chung P.S.;Yat-Wah Lam 期刊名称:《IEEE Transactions on Education》 | 1992年第1期 82.Inexpensive physiological recording systems of didactic and practical value 机译:廉价的生理记录系统,具有教...
through human rightseducationandtraining, so that they can identify, prevent and act upon violations against them, as wellasaccesstothe physical environment, to transportation, to information and communications technologies and to systems and other facilities and services that are open,accessibleand...
推广链接 SCI正刊协助投稿: 微信扫码立即咨询 非预警正刊,2-4个月快速录用 支持WOS检索,全程可协助返修《International Journal of Technologies in Higher Education》中科院JCR分区2023年12月升级版:未收录 2022年12月升级版:未收录《International Journal of Technologies in Higher Education》期刊简介:浏览...
Applied Researches in Technics Technologies and Education杂志网站提供期刊影响因子、JCR和中科院分区查询,SCI期刊投稿经验,Impact Factor(IF),官方投稿网址,审稿周期/时间,研究方向,SCI期刊中科院分区等信息,供科研工作者投稿前参考。