What was also pointed out is that the AI could act as Research Assistant (Dowling & Lucey, 2023; Ivanov & Soliman, 2023), providing help with identifying research trends in the declared field of science (Heaven, 2018), showing trends in grants to find funding opportunities for the scientific...
Depending on the audience of students in each class and the genre of the text, teachers apply appropriate methods, techniques and forms of teaching reading comprehension such as: expressive reading, reading role-playing, story-telling, role-playing to solve a situation, act out a play, use ques...
It would be interesting to review a larger period, especially from 1975 (the date of significant relevant laws: Public Law 94–142: The Education For All Handicapped Children Act in the United States and Law 75–534, June 30, 1975, in favour of the disabled people in France). Moreover,...
Foreigners and International Protection Act IGAM: The Research Centre on Asylum and Migration IHH: Humanitarian Relief Foundation MoNE: Ministry of National Education NGO: Non-governmental organizations TEC: Temporary education center TPR: Temporary protection regime References Ackerman, X, and ...
With increased ability to work remotely, employees no longer need to be based in a larger metropolitan area instead of the Bayou State to obtain job opportunities, he explained. “But there are only opportunities for those who are prepared, who continue to develop and hone their sk...
The act of playing unlocks in the player a set of emotions, childhood memories, rules and social acceptance (Goleman & Senge, 2016); it can even generate levels of anxiety (Lazzaro, 2004) or trigger depression and emotional disorders such as addictions that compel the player to keep playing ...
Universities should act as a bridge in people-to-people and cultural exchanges between China and the United States, visiting Chinese Vice Premier Liu Yandong said here Monday. Japan education ministry eyes revising school textbooks' historical, geographical content ...
Letizia (2013) criticises market-oriented reforms, enacted by The Virginia Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2011, placing them within the context of market-driven policies informed by neoliberalism, where social institutions, such as higher education, should be governed by the law of free market...
(Spears et al.,2006; Ronzi et al.,2020). Individuals feel valued by others when these others act in ways that meet the needs and motivations, they have toward them (Browne,1993; Ellemers et al.,2004; Frei & Shaver,2002). By considering all members in STEM as inherently deserving and...
colonizing force, the academy was considering questions of emancipation. Immanual Kant (1724–1804), identified emancipation as “the process of undertaking to think for oneself, to employ and rely on one’s own intellectual capacities in determining what to believe and how to act” (Bristow,...