In 1995 Birgit Brock-Utne was asked by NIED (National Institute for Education and Development) in Namibia to make a study of the situation of the African languages after Independence in 1990. Five years later the study was followed up by Halla Holmarsdottir as her thesis for the degree of...
Namibia is a nation-state in Southern Africa which gained its independence from apartheid South Africa in 1990. It has a population of 2,113,077 (GRN2011, p. 8). The country covers an area of approximately 823,000 km2. After independence critical investigations into higher education took plac...
Respondents explicitly mentioned teacher professional development as an important domain of mathematics education research (including teacher educators’ development). For example, Loide Kapenda (Namibia) wrote, “I am supporting UNESCO whose idea is to focus on how we prepare teachers for the future ...
Desmond and Elfert ([2008]) have collected accounts of projects in Mali, Namibia, Senegal, South Africa, Kenya, and Uganda which try to address these problems by helping parents to support their children’s learning. But the real centre for African Family Literacy projects is South Africa, ...
Learning analytics (LA) is defined as the “measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of data about learners and their contexts, for purposes of understanding and optimizing learning and the environments in which it occurs” [16] (p. 4). LA builds upon research areas such as educational ...
The effect of role models is a sociological phenomenon that has been extensively studied [37,38]. In entrepreneurship research [21,39], it is used as an informal institutional factor that can act as an incentive for entrepreneurial activity [23]. Fornahl [20] noted the positive role that en...
Besides raising awareness about CC and its consequences, k.i.d.Z.21 aims at generating acceptance and the need for action, linked with a necessary social transformation, while at the same time strengthening young peoples’ capacities to act and adapt to the challenges posed by societal, ...
have increased the availability of such courses and moved learning into the virtual world. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, we are witnessing an accelerated revolution in the learning process, as nearly all forms of education have been shifted online. Will this have a destructive effect on...
Education for sustainable development is a method of teaching aimed at developing awareness, competence, knowledge, skills, and attitudes in the field of environmental protection in such a way that each activity related to its operation supports the satisfaction of the needs of future generations. In...