塔拉·韦斯托弗的回忆录《educated》描绘了个人从艰难环境中突围,最终实现自我解放和知识追求的历程。书中的两句话,"The past was a ghost, insubstantial, unaffecting. Only the future had weight." 和"To have positive liberty is to take control one's own mind; to be liberated from irra...
Gain a complete understanding of “Educated” by Tara Westover from Blinkist. The “Educated” book summary will give you access to a synopsis of key ideas, a short story, and an audio summary.
The thirteenth book that I’ve finished reading this year is Tara Westover’s “Educated”. Thanks R for recommending. Born in a Mormon household and raised in the mountains of Idaho, Tara spent the first sixteen years of her life not in school, but in the junkyard scrapping for her fathe...
☑️Finished 《Educated》by Tara Westover最妙的是后段讲在Tara受教育后的转变的过程,挣扎的内心,一次次的逃避和说服自己接受原生家庭。控诉换来的童年噩梦重演和自我怀疑,这部分是挣扎在过去的tara,但怀疑之后找证据,找到一个两个点让自己重建认知是受教育后的意识和行为,这个过程是一个(是-不是-不是-不...
戏剧源于生活,但生活远比戏剧精彩。 小说作者Tara是来自另外一个世界的人,通过她的叙述,我们看到了那一个疯狂的世界。最让人瞠目结舌的是,一切源自真实。 《Educated》是作者Tara Westover的自传体小说。小说…
女生在英语课堂上介绍了一本书,揭示了自我觉醒的力量。 《你当像鸟飞往你的山》(Educated)是美国作家塔拉·韦斯特弗(Tara Westover)所写的自传。这本书讲述了韦斯特弗从一个与社会隔离的家庭成长起来,最终通过自学和不懈努力考入 - 王子英语于20241021发布在抖音,已
Tara小的时候,奶奶想偷偷带她离开这个家去念书,她幻想着自己跟着奶奶去了,结果却始终没有办法踏出这一步,留在了父母身边,所谓的home school,其实就是帮父母打杂过日子。作为一个深受好莱坞大女主思想洗脑的观众,听到这样的剧情就上火,女主怎么可以这么不勇敢的做决定呢,差评。
【非虚构图书 Educated《我的求学路》 塔拉·韦斯托弗(Tara Westover)著】这是Tara Westover的自传,她不是名人,可是这本书却连续登上纽约时报bestseller榜单第一名好几周。这本书非常有力量,从头到尾充满冲击。作为读者,从跟随Tara步入她生命的一刻,就不停经历文化冲击。看美国媒体拿这本书跟去年大热的Hillbilly ...
Bullet in the Brain by Tobias Wolff:一个愤世嫉俗者 1211 2024-07 5 Justice by Michael Sandel: 个人主义还是集体主义 29 2024-08 6 Educated by Tara Westover:你当像鸟飞往你的山 38 2024-08 7 Never Let Me Go:莫失莫忘 39 2024-09
读书简介 目录 累计评论(0条) Summary Of Educated: A Memoir By Tara Westover 目录展开 Introduction. Chapter 1: Choose the Good Chapter 2: The Midwife Chapter 3: Cream Shoes Chapter 4: Apache Women Chapter 5: Honest Dirt Chapter 6: Shield and Buckler ...