Eduardo Kac (pronounced "Katz") emerged in the early '90s with his radical works combining telerobotics and living organisms. His visionary integration of robotics, biology and networking explores the fluidity of subject positions ...
艺术家档案:爱德瓦尔多·卡茨( Eduardo kac) 爱德瓦尔多·卡茨( Eduardo Kac)作为一位生物(bio)艺术家而蜚声国际,他采用生物和其他生命科学领域的科学家使用的工具和技术来创作。生物艺术家通过对实际的生物材料和遗传物质进行处理来创作艺术。在本...
Brazilian-born artist Eduardo Kac's (Rio de Janeiro, 1962) work has raised eyebrows especially for his 'transgenic art' projects, among others: Genesis, 1999; GFP Bunny, 2000; The Eight Day, 2001; Natural History of the Enigma, 2003/08. In all of these, Kac and his scientific ...
Toutes les informations sur le lot EDUARDO KAC (1962) Lagoglyph U盘和NFT循环视频... - Lot 19 - Aguttes
'Telepresence Art and Robotics' and 'Bio Art'. The most notorious of his 'bio art' creations is the GFP Bunny (2000), the green fluorescent rabbit Alba, a product of what Kac calls 'transgenic art' 鈥 'a new art form based on the use of genetic engineering to create unique living ...
This dissertation approaches the poetics of the multimedia artist Eduardo Kac, internationally known for his innovative and controversial works and for his performance as a professor, critic and researcher of contemporary artistic modalities that involve the use of new technologies, including some that we...
Eduardo Kac, Brazilian American artist who was best known for his works featuring genetically altered organisms in ways that frequently had conceptual or symbolic import. He termed these endeavors ‘bio art’ or ‘transgenic art.’ Read more about Kac’s
INRA ultimately refused to give the rabbit to Kac, a turn of events that the artist used to further promote the project through several shows centred on “freeing Alba.” GFP Bunny was, Kac claimed, the provocation of the controversy, rather than the rabbit itself. Debate did indeed ensue;...