通过这个实验诞生的兔子被取名为阿尔巴(Alba),它在特殊的蓝光下能发出绿色荧光。 Eduardo kac|加密石碑( Encryption Stones),2001 激光蚀刻的大理石(双连雕刻),每幅20”×30”(50×70厘米) Richard Langdale收藏 依照卡茨的看法,《荧光兔》不仅仅...
巴西生物艺术家爱德华多·卡茨(Eduardo Kac)就在2000年推出了一项新艺术作品:一只发着荧光绿的兔子。卡茨找上法国的一间实验室,付费请求依他的要求改造出一只会发光的兔子。法国科学家于是拿了一个普通的兔子胚胎,再植入由绿色荧光水母取得的DNA。当当当当!绿色荧光兔隆重登场。卡茨将这只兔子命名为阿巴(Alba)。
Toutes les informations sur le lot EDUARDO KAC (1962) Lagoglyph U盘和NFT循环视频... - Lot 19 - Aguttes
'Telepresence Art and Robotics' and 'Bio Art'. The most notorious of his 'bio art' creations is the GFP Bunny (2000), the green fluorescent rabbit Alba, a product of what Kac calls 'transgenic art' 鈥 'a new art form based on the use of genetic engineering to create unique living ...
网络卡克;卡茨;卡库 网络释义
(GFP) from the jellyfishAequoria victoria. The animal, named Alba by Kac and his family, was seen by the public only in photographs. Though Kac claimed to have commissioned the rabbit, the French National Agronomic Institute (INRA), which owned it, had actually, of its own volition, ...
Eduardo Kac, Brazilian American artist who was best known for his works featuring genetically altered organisms in ways that frequently had conceptual or symbolic import. He termed these endeavors ‘bio art’ or ‘transgenic art.’ Read more about Kac’s