Conversion Between 4:00 PM (16:00) EDT and New York Time, 4:00 PM (16:00) New York Time to Eastern Daylight Time Conversion
Time conversion from Eastern Daylight Time (-4) to Uzbekistan Standard Time(+5). EDT to UST Ust time zones converter, calculator, table and map.
Time conversion from Universal Time Coordinated (+0) to Eastern Daylight Time(-4). UTC to EDT time zones converter, calculator, table and map.
Eastern Daylight Time is four hours behind the Coordinated Universal Time standard, written as an offset of UTC - 4:00. That means to find the standard time in the zone you must subtract four hours from Coordinated Universal Time. Territories observing the time zone are primarily in North ...
Conversion Between 03:00 AM (03:00) EDT and Beijing Time, 03:00 AM (03:00) Beijing Time to Eastern Daylight Time Conversion
Conversion Between 7:00 PM (19:00) EDT and Lagos Time, 7:00 PM (19:00) Lagos Time to Eastern Daylight Time Conversion
EDT Is the Eastern Time Zone In everyday usage, EDT is often referred to asEastern Time(ET) or the Eastern Time Zone. This can add a bit of confusion as the term Eastern Time does not differentiate betweenstandard timeand Daylight Saving Time, so Eastern Time switches between EST and EDT...
美国,华盛顿特区,华盛顿 当前本地时间在华盛顿美国 2025年02月07日 ,星期五 03:09:44 HTML 标准时间EST 当前正在使用 UTC-5 夏令时 EDT UTC-4 IANA时区 America/New_York 当前时间比北京时间 晚-13 : 00小时 太阳位于 华盛顿: 今天, 2025年02月07日 ...
Konverter GMT tid (Greenwich Mean Time, UTC + 00:00) til EST (Eastern Standard Time, UTC - 05:00) tid. Verdensklokke, tidskonvertering, kalkulator og kartleggingstabell.
default-time-zone='America/New_York' 1. 重启MySQL 服务使改动生效。 方法二:使用 SQL 命令 若不想重启服务,可以通过以下 SQL 命令动态修改: SETGLOBALtime_zone='America/New_York'; 1. 注意:此命令需要具备管理员权限,且只会在当前数据库会话关闭后失效。