种子植物的EDS1蛋白家族成员包括EDS1、SAG101和PAD4,EDS1调控植物激素和NLR蛋白介导的免疫信号,对植物抵抗活体营养型病原菌尤其重要。EDS1与SAG101或PAD4形成异源二聚体,介导免疫信号传导。拟南芥和烟草中EDS1基因的进化分析与功能研究发现,EDS1-SAG101异源二聚体和含有CC结构域HET-S以及LOP-B结构域的helper NLR...
Its PAD4/SAG101 anchoring helix is disordered unless engaged in protein/protein interactions. As in the complex with SAG101, monomeric AtEDS1 has a substrate-inaccessible esterase triad with a blocked oxyanion hole and without space for a covalent acyl intermediate. These new structures suggest ...
SAG101FormsaTernaryComplexwithEDS1andPAD4 andIsRequiredforResistanceSignalingagainstTurnip CrinkleVirus ShifengZhu 1. ,Rae-DongJeong 1.¤a ,SrivathsaC.Venugopal 1¤b ,LudmilaLapchyk 1 ,DuRoyNavarre 2 , AardraKachroo 1 ,PradeepKachroo 1 * 1DepartmentofPlantPathology,UniversityofKentucky,Lexington,...
EDS1, PAD4, and SAG101 are common regulators of plant immunity against many pathogens. EDS1 interacts with both PAD4 and SAG101 but direct interaction between PAD4 and SAG101 has not been detected, leading to the suggestion that the EDS1-PAD4 and EDS1-SAG101 complexes are distinct. We ...
EDS1(enhanced disease susceptibility 1)是一种重要的防卫基因,其编码的信号蛋白质位于植物免疫信号网络的关键节点。EDS1的互作蛋白质包括PAD4(phytoalexin defi ciency 4)和SAG101(senescence-associated gene 101)。EDS1在以TIR-NB-LRR(toll-interleukin-1 receptornucleotide binding-leucine-rich repeat)类R蛋白(...
最近的一项研究还发现TNL激活后,EDS1,SAG101和NRG1会形成复合体并导致细胞死亡。有趣的是,除了参与免疫调节,EDS1/PAD4以及ADR1(ACTIVATED DISEASE RESISTANCE-LIKE1,一种RNL)也被证明也被证明参与植物的非生物胁迫响应【4】。但是目前关于NLR介导的这种非生物和生物应激的调控的串扰尚不清楚。近日,英国Norwich ...
最近的一项研究还发现TNL激活后,EDS1,SAG101和NRG1会形成复合体并导致细胞死亡。有趣的是,除了参与免疫调节,EDS1/PAD4以及ADR1 (ACTIVATED DISEASE RESISTANCE-LIKE1,一种RNL) 也被证明也被证明参与植物的非生物胁迫响应 【4】 。但是目前关于NLR介导的这种非生物和生物应激的调控的串扰尚不清楚。
A coevolved EDS1–SAG101–NRG1 module mediates cell death signaling by TIR-domain immune receptors. Plant Cell 31, 2430–2455 (2019). Article CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Cui, H. et al. A core function of EDS1 with PAD4 is to protect the salicylic acid defense sector in...
The enhanced disease susceptibility 1 (EDS1) family of three lipase-like proteins, EDS1, senescence-associated gene 101 (SAG101) and phytoalexin deficient 4 (PAD4), constitutes a major NLR immunity signalling node27.EDS1is essential for TNL-dependent ETI across flowering plant species26,28,29...