Here we report that PTI triggered by the Arabidopsis LRR receptor protein RLP23 requires signalling-competent dimers of the lipase-like proteins EDS1 and PAD4, and of ADR1 family helper nucleotide-binding LRRs, which are all components of ETI. The cell-surface LRR receptor kinase SOBIR1 links...
An EDS1-SAG101 complex interacts with NRG1, and EDS1-PAD4 with ADR1, in an immune-activated state. NRG1 requires an intact nucleotide-binding P-loop motif, and EDS1 a functional EP domain and its partner SAG101, for induced association and immunity. Thus, two distinct modules (NRG1/...
Further examination of the EDS1-SAG101 and EDS1-PAD4 structures revealed a SAG101 and PAD4 EP-domain surface resembling the EDS1R493Apatch but facing away from the cavity (Fig.1d). We mutated PAD4 arginine 420 (PAD4R420A) which is aligned at the sequence level and predicted to form ...