我在notebook review网站上搜到一篇帖子,Current/EDP Limit Throttling - all the time on battery,时间2019年12月13日里面有人提到了相同问题,型号竟然和我一样都是aero 15 OLED版本! 875 硬件玩家 5 http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/current-edp-limit-throttling-all-the-time-on-battery.831336/...
设定icc Max,即cpu电流最大限度为220A(9代i9 9900K在BIOS默认情况最高193A,FPU烤机时候会出现Current/EDP limit throttling,也就是说遇到电流墙,220A在这种限定下可以满足CPU 180瓦的功耗而不出现撞电流墙的问题。icc Max值测试出来是根据测试烤机aida64 单烤FPU时,同时观察XTU的Current/EDP limit throttling。从...
Please tell me what causes Current/EDP Limit Throttling? Screenshot is from stress test just to visualize, but it is also appearing while gaming - above 90% of time. I think it causes FPS drops/instability in games(?) Any solutions? Why does it happen and what does it mean?Bios has ...
Please tell me what causes Current/EDP Limit Throttling? Screenshot is from stress test just to visualize, but it is also appearing while gaming - above 90% of time. I think it causes FPS drops/instability in games(?) Any solutions? Why does it happen and what does it mean?Bios has ...
我遇到问题:100w pd接入时,cpu功耗很低 在10w-15w,xtu显示edp/current limit throttling。请问如何解决? roy1722 龙骑士 1 @微星笔记本服务 Sky_Lee0515 幽灵圣骑 11 正常,100W不够GS66全速运行,仅足够一般使用 微星笔记本服务 小吧主 14 4. Thunderbolt (Type-C) 端口• 选择性支持 USB 3.2 Gen ...
current/EDP Limit Throttling 发布时间 2020-07-20 09:27:29 产品名称: pavilion光影精灵3绿刃版 操作系统: Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit) 最近突然觉得打游戏帧率变得特低,一查发现出现了电流墙,寻求解决方法(ps 最近有换过硅脂和电池以及一次windows更新)...
My cpu (intel core i7 13700HX) has a EDP Limit throttling at random time that create some lags and slowdowns. For example, I have to wait a few seconds durign each Alt+TAB, also use the keyboard take few time to perform the action (i.e. write). "Random time" means : - At win...
Current/EDP Limit Throttling 到底是个啥?本人天选三 12700h+3070laptop 在玩fps(csgo 叛乱:沙暴等)时常掉帧 在xtu中查看是Current/EDP Limit Th…笔记本主板CPU供电电感电流墙,没办法,解决不了的,除非你敢找更大的并且可以适配的电感,魔改主板供电电感,但是没人会给你这样搞 ...
When I am choosing the Intel profile and I run Intel XTU Stress Test then I get Power Limit Throttling or Current/EDP Limit Throttling or both. The Package TDP drops immediately abruptly to around 65 W. When I am choosing the Asus profile I don't get Power Limit Throttling at ...
Please tell me what causes Current/EDP Limit Throttling? Screenshot is from stress test just to visualize, but it is also appearing while gaming - above 90% of time. I think it causes FPS drops/instability in games(?) Any solutions? Why does it happen and what does it ...