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19.55亿总市值16.80市盈率TTM 48.440最高价43.300最低价33.35万股成交量47.460今开47.000昨收1501.07万成交额3.95%换手率41.65市盈率(静)4378.41万总股本51.69052周最高1.80市净率3.77亿流通值13.78052周最低--股息TTM843.97万流通股63.290历史最高--股息率TTM10.94%振幅1.650历史最低45.012平均价1股每手 ...
美股股票市场上受到广泛关注、具有显著行业影响力、市场表现活跃且市值规模较大的科技公司股票。显示的所有第三方徽标、品牌或商标仅用于识别目的,仍然是其各自所有者的财产。資訊由富途提供, 并非详尽无遗的有关主题概念股, 仅供参考。 展示条件: 美股科技股概念板块中涨跌幅首5位, 由高至低排列,实时市场数据。美股...
EDN - Stock option barons | EDNBy David Diamond
Moreover, the momentum for EDN is fast paced, as the stock currently has a beta of 1.39. This indicates that the stock moves 39% higher than the market in either direction. Given this price performance, it is no surprise that EDN has a Momentum Score of B, which indicates that this is...
EDN - America's declared (and undeclared) cyberwar | EDN President Barack Obama issued an executive order in mid-February to make it easier for "eligible critical infrastructure" companies and the US government to share information about network attacks. As the international cyberwar heats up,.....
Continue with Apple or Create Free Account By creating an account using any of the options above, you agree to theTerms of Use&Privacy Policy EDNMYEdenred SE Stock Price & Overview Analyze With AI Follow345 followers $16.300.05 (+0.31%)2:13 PM 02/21/25 ...
Investigation | EDN EDN - Xilinx Clears Stock Investigation | EDNEDN - Xilinx Clears Stock Investigation | EDNStaff Reporter
EDN - What happens when software undermines hardware's potential? | EDN In a recent article, I mentioned the RIM (Research in Motion) PlayBook (see "ARM versus Intel: a successful stratagem for RISC or grist for CISC's tricks?" EDN, April 7,2011, pg 24, I...
By creating an account using any of the options above, you agree to theTerms of Use&Privacy Policy EDNMYEdenred SE Stock Price & Overview Analyze With AI Follow354 followers $17.900.90(+5.29%)2:07 PM 03/18/25 Expert Market |$USD |Market Close ...